Course aim: Students learn about key problems of the historical development of Russia in the 20th century, the emphasis is
put on the role of Russia in the world after World War II. The study of history thus lay the basis for the contextual study of
Russian literature and Russian language.
Course contents: Comprehensive outline of political and cultural history of Russia from 1917 till today with emphasis on the
Europan (worldwide) context. Versaille system, its contradictions and disintergration. Russian revolution and discontinuation
of democratic development of Russia. The development of Russia during NEP. The acceleration of industrialization in
Russia. Stalinism. World War II and the position of the Soviet Union. The world after World War II ? the reasons and
conflicts between super powers. Cold War. Stalinism after World War II and its end. Kruschev?s period and overcoming of
Stalinism, the crisis in East Germany, Cuban crisis. Brezhnev?s period ? stagnation, conservatism (1968). Gorbatchev ?
?perestroika?. Yelzin and dissolution of The Soviet Union. Creation of The Russian Federation and its current development.
Cultural gains and losses of the Soviet period.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course aim: Students learn about key problems of the historical development of Russia in the 20th century, the emphasis is put on the role of Russia in the world after World War II. The study of history thus lay the basis for the contextual study of Russian literature and Russian language.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Odborná literatura:
MENCL, V.; HÁJEK, M.; OTÁHAL, M.; KADLECOVÁ, E. Křižovatky 20. století. Světlo na bílá místa v nejnovějších dějinách. Praha: Naše vojsko, 1990. ŠVANKMAJER, M.; VEBER, V.; SLÁDEK, Z.; MOULIS, V. Dějiny Ruska, Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 1995. MJAČIN, A.N., i kol. Mir russkoj istorii. Enciklopedičeskij spravočnik. Moskva: Veče, 1997. NOVIKOV, I. V. Istorija Rossii v voprosach i otvetach. Moskva, 1996. REIMAN, M. Lenin, Stalin, Gorbačov: Kontinuita a zlomy v sovětských dějinách. Praha, 1991. KNIGHT, A. Berija, Stalinův první pobočník. Praha, 1995. KOTYK, V. Čečenská krize a její vliv na vývoj Ruska. In: Mezinárodní politika, 1995, 2, s. 24 - 27. MLYNÁŘ, Z. Krize v sovětských systémech od Stalina ke Gorbačovovi. Praha, 1991.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course contents: Comprehensive outline of political and cultural history of Russia from 1917 till today with emphasis on the Europan (worldwide) context. Versaille system, its contradictions and disintergration. Russian revolution and discontinuation of democratic development of Russia. The development of Russia during NEP. The acceleration of industrialization in Russia. Stalinism. World War II and the position of the Soviet Union. The world after World War II - the reasons and conflicts between super powers. Cold War. Stalinism after World War II and its end. Kruschev's period and overcoming of Stalinism, the crisis in East Germany, Cuban crisis. Brezhnev's period - stagnation, conservatism (1968). Gorbatchev - "perestroika". Yelzin and dissolution of The Soviet Union. Creation of The Russian Federation and its current development. Cultural gains and losses of the Soviet period.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)