Course aim: Comprehensive summary of linguistic disciplines (phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicology and stylistics), which
were explained in previous semesters, in their interrelations and with emphasis on state final MA examination requirements.
Students learn about some important linguistic problems based on Russian language subjects explained and discussed in
previous years of study. The aim is to deepen students? skills of textual analysis and to inform them about the latest linguistic
issues, resources and literature.
Course contents: Language as an object of scientific research. Language system and its structure. Wider and deepened
interrelations between linguistic disciplines (phonetics and phonology, orthoepy, transliteration, orthography and graphics,
accentology, grammar, lexicology, lexicography). Language and speech. Synchronous and diachronous definition of
language. Concise characteristics of historical comparative linguistics and its methodology. Geneological and typological
classification of languages (by choice). Knowledge of language origin and its development, relation between language and
thinking. Basic movements and representatives of Russian and world linguistics.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course aim: Comprehensive summary of linguistic disciplines (phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicology and stylistics), which were explained in previous semesters, in their interrelations and with emphasis on state final MA examination requirements. Students learn about some important linguistic problems based on Russian language subjects explained and discussed in previous years of study. The aim is to deepen students' skills of textual analysis and to inform them about the latest linguistic issues, resources and literature.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
odborná literatura:
KUBĺK, M.; FORMANOVSKAJA, N. J. Osnovy jazykoznanija dlja rusistov. Praha: SPN, 1985. FILIN, F. P. Russkij jazyk, enciklopedija. Moskva: Institut russkogo jazyka AN SSSR, 1979. BEREZIN, F. M.; GOLOVIN, B. N. Obščeje jazykoznanije. Moskva: Prosveščenije, 1979. JARCEVA, V. N. a kol. Sopostavitel'naja lingvistika i obučenije nerodnomu jazyku. Moskva: Nauka, 1987. VACHEK, J. U základů Pražské jazykovědné školy. Praha, Academia, 1970. ČERNÝ, J. Dějiny lingvistiky. Olomouc: Votobia, 1996. Russkaja grammatika I, II . AN SSSR, Institut russkogo jazyka. Moskva: Nauka, 1982. KOESTER, S.; ROM, J. Sovremennyj russkij razgovornyj jazyk. Kempten: Max Hueber Verlag, 1996. SANNIKOV, V. Z. Russkij jazyk v zerkale jazykovoj igry. Moskva: Jazyki russkoj kul'tury, 1999. GLAZUNOVA, O. I. Grammatika russkogo jazyka v upražnenijach i kommentarijach. Sankt-Peterburg: Zlatoust, 2000. ZEMSKAJA, J. A. i dr. Russkij jazyk konca XX stoletija. Moskva: Jazyki russkoj kul'tury, 2000.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course contents: Language as an object of scientific research. Language system and its structure. Wider and deepened interrelations between linguistic disciplines (phonetics and phonology, orthoepy, transliteration, orthography and graphics, accentology, grammar, lexicology, lexicography). Language and speech. Synchronous and diachronous definition of language. Concise characteristics of historical comparative linguistics and its methodology. Geneological and typological classification of languages (by choice). Knowledge of language origin and its development, relation between language and thinking. Basic movements and representatives of Russian and world linguistics.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)