Course aim: Students learn about specific features and typical genres of children?s and youth literature based on worldwide
and Czech literature for children. Students acquire knowledge in basic orientation in this kind of literary production and
possibilities such literature has in foreign language teaching.
Course contents: Discussion about the essence of children?s and youth literature. Specific features of children?s and youth
literature. Psychology of a young reader of a specific age group. Folk literature in children?s literature and reading. Fairytale ?
changes in genre, collectors and authors. The system of genres in children?s and youth literature in relation to the age of
readers, specific features of individual genres. The beginning of Russian literature for children and youth. The phenomenon
of childhood in Russian literature of the 19th century in relation to children?s and youth literature. Russian literature for
children and youth in the 20th century and nowadays. Literature for children and youth in foreign language teaching.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course aim: Students learn about specific features and typical genres of children's and youth literature based on worldwide and Czech literature for children. Students acquire knowledge in basic orientation in this kind of literary production and possibilities such literature has in foreign language teaching.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Odborná literatura: RYBINA, E. F. Bibliografijaliteratury dlja detej i junošestva. Moskva: Izdateľstvo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo unversiteta kuľtury, 1994. Russkaja detskaja literatura. Moskva: Prosveščenije, 1972. HAZARD, P. Knihy, děti a lidé. Praha: Albatros, 1970. MICHALKOV, S. V. O umění pro děti i o sobě. Praha: Albatros, 1977. PAUSTOVSKIJ, K. G. Živá a mrtvá slova. O literatuře pro mládež. Praha: Albatros, 1977. GENČIOVÁ, M. Literatura pro děti a mládež (ve srovnávacím žánrovém pohledu). Praha: SPN, 1984. NEZKUSIL, V. Studie z poetiky literatury pro děti a mládež. Praha: Albatros, 1983. KLÁTIK, Z. Svetová literatura pre mládež. Bratislava: Slovenské pedagogické nakl., 1987. SIEGLOVÁ, N. Vývoj teorie a kritiky literatury pro mládež. Praha: SPN, 1982. SIEGLOVÁ, N. Nástin dějin literatury pro mládež a četby mládeže. Brno: MU, 1991. POLÁK, J. Přehledné dějiny české literatury pro děti a mládež a četby mládeže. Praha: SPN, 1983. VORÁČEK, J. Historické a teoretické koncepce české literatury pro mládež. Praha: Albatros, 1982. HRABÁKOVÁ, J. Literatura pro děti a mládež ve 20. století. Praha: SPN, 1983. URBANOVÁ, S. Historický vývoj žánrů literatury pro mládež. Ostrava: Pedagogická fakulta, 1990.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course contents: Discussion about the essence of children's and youth literature. Specific features of children's and youth literature. Psychology of a young reader of a specific age group. Folk literature in children's literature and reading. Fairytale - changes in genre, collectors and authors. The system of genres in children's and youth literature in relation to the age of readers, specific features of individual genres. The beginning of Russian literature for children and youth. The phenomenon of childhood in Russian literature of the 19th century in relation to children's and youth literature. Russian literature for children and youth in the 20th century and nowadays. Literature for children and youth in foreign language teaching.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)