Course aim: Students learn about theory and use of methods of literary scientific analysis, they develop their skills of analysis
and interpretation of literary works.
Course contents: Sources of aesthetic thinking and roots of literary scientific methods. The typology of literary scientific
methods yesterday and today. Philological method and immanent (autonomous, textual) methods. Biographical and
psychological methods, intuitivism, bergsonism, new psychological criticism. Positivism and literary sociology.
Anthroposophical approach. From German and Czech formism and Russian formalism to Czech structuralism. The role of
phenomenology. ?Soft? and ?hard? approaches to literary science: René Wellek. The inspirational role of Russian literary
science. Post-structuralism. Hermeneutics. Deconstructivism. Czech and Slovak situation after structuralism. Methods and
subjects: comparatistics, genology, narratology etc. Language and stylistic analysis. Attempts to newly reconstruct philology
(?new philology?). Analyses from the point of view of literary science and culture studies: the role of environs.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course aim: Students learn about theory and use of methods of literary scientific analysis, they develop their skills of analysis and interpretation of literary works.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Výběr doporučené literatury:
ARISTOTELÉS. Poetika. Praha, 1996. BACHTIN, M. M. Formální metoda v literární vědě. Praha, 1980. BACHTIN, M. Román jako dialog. Praha, 1980. ČERNÝ V. Co je kritika, co není a k čemu je na světě. Brno, 1968. DERRIDA, J. Gramatológia. Bratislava, 1999. DILTHEY, W. Život a dejinné vedomie. Bratislava, 1980. ĎURIŠIN, D. Teória literárnej komparatistiky. Bratislava, 1975. ECO, U. The limits of Interpretation. Bloomington, 1990. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory. Toronto, 1994. GADAMER. H.-G. Aktualita krásného: umění jako hra, symbol a slavnost. Praha, 2003. HROCH, J. Filozofická hermeneutika v dějinách a současnosti. Brno, 1997. INGARDEN, R. Umělecké dílo literární. Praha, 1989. Interpretačná variabilita v recepcii umeleckého diela. Nitra 1992. JAKOBSON, R. Lingvistická poetika. Bratislava, 1991. JIRÁT, V. Duch a tvar. Praha, 1967. KAUTMAN, F. K typologii literární kritiky a literární vědy. Praha, 1996. KHOL, J. Nástin teorie a praxe interpretování. Praha, 1984. MATHAUSER, Z. Mezi filosofií a poezií. Praha, 1995. MIKO, F. Text a štýl. K problematike literárnej komunikácie. Bratislava, 1970. PECHAR, J. Interpretace a analýza literárního díla. Praha, 2002. POSPĺŠIL, I. Genologie a proměny literatury. Brno, 1998. Průvodce po světové literární teorii. Praha, 1988. WELLEK, R.; WARREN, A.: Teorie literatury. Olomouc, 1995. ZĺMA, P. V. Literární estetika. Praha, 1998. Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course contents: Sources of aesthetic thinking and roots of literary scientific methods. The typology of literary scientific methods yesterday and today. Philological method and immanent (autonomous, textual) methods. Biographical and psychological methods, intuitivism, bergsonism, new psychological criticism. Positivism and literary sociology. Anthroposophical approach. From German and Czech formism and Russian formalism to Czech structuralism. The role of phenomenology. "Soft" and "hard" approaches to literary science: René Wellek. The inspirational role of Russian literary science. Post-structuralism. Hermeneutics. Deconstructivism. Czech and Slovak situation after structuralism. Methods and subjects: comparatistics, genology, narratology etc. Language and stylistic analysis. Attempts to newly reconstruct philology ("new philology"). Analyses from the point of view of literary science and culture studies: the role of environs. Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)