SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Practical Language and Culture Studies B - ON2316024
Title: Jazyková cvičení a reálie B
Guaranteed by: Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2018
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/1, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (15)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Russian
Teaching methods: full-time
Is provided by: OPNR2R105A
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Hana Žofková, CSc.
Pre-requisite : ON2316012
Is pre-requisite for: ON2316131, ON2316043, ON2316042
Annotation -
Stručná anotace předmětu: Course aim: Russian language students are rigorously and in a comprehensive manner prepared for their teaching profession in terms of practical Russian language use. Together with practical language preparation students develop their knowledge of important overall facts about Russia, especially its culture, economy and social aspect. Course contents: Learning basic language means in professional, scientific, popular scientific, journalistic and conference styles. Main focus is on monologues (short reports, papers, comments) and on more difficult writing (reviews, reports). Managing a talk shop/discussion. Syntactic and lexical phenomena that are difficult from the point of interlingual interference - based on Russian language stylistics. Preparation for Russian foreign language teaching practice. Discussion topics: Natural climatic conditions in Russia. Map of Russia.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.04.2009)
Aim of the course -

Course aim: Russian language students are rigorously and in a comprehensive manner prepared for their teaching profession in terms of practical Russian language use. Together with practical language preparation students develop their knowledge of important overall facts about Russia, especially its culture, economy and social aspect.

Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.04.2009)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Podmínky zakončení předmětu:


  • minimálně 75% aktivní účast na seminářích a plnění všech zadávaných úkolů
  • vypracování referátu dle zadání
  • ústní a písemná zkouška z probraného učiva
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (29.01.2016)
Literature - Czech

odborná literatura:
SKLJAREVSKAJA, G. N.; TKAČEVA, I. ?. Davajte govoriť praviľno. Političeskij jazyk sovremennoj Rossii. Kratkij slovaŕ- spravočnik. - SPb: Filologičeskij fakuľtet SPbGU, 2003.

SKLJAREVSKAJA, G. N.; VAULINA, E. J. Davajte govoriť praviľno! Novejšije i naibolee rasprostraňonnyje zaimstvovanija v sovremennom russkom jazyke. Kratkij slovaŕ-spravočnik. SPb: Filologičeskij fakuľtet? SPbGU, 2004.

VERBICKAJA, L. i dr. Davajte govoriť praviľno! Trudnosti sovremennogo russkogo proiznošenija i udarenija. Kratkij slovar - spravočnik.SPb.: Izdateľskij centr "Akademija", 2003.

SKLJAREVSKAJA, G. N.; VAULINA, E. J. Davajte govoriť praviľno! Trudnosti grammatičeskog? upravlenija v sovremennom russkom jazyke. Kratkij slovar - spravočnik.SPb.: Izdateľskij centr "Akademija", 2004.

MRHAČOVÁ, E. Praktická cvičení z ruského jazyka. IV. díl. Praha: SPN, 1991. (pro studenty)

ŽOFKOVÁ, H.; HŘĺBKOVÁ, R.; PECHTĚREV, A. Rusko-česká konverzace. Praha: Leda,

2003. (pro studenty)

HŘĺBKOVÁ, R.; HLAVÁČEK, A. Ruský jazyk v kostce. Praha: Fragment, 2004. (pro studenty)

Ruský denní tisk, odborné časopisy Russkij jazyk za rubežom, Inostrannyje jazyki v škole,

Aktuální materiály z internetu.

Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.04.2009)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Ke zkoušce se přihlašují studenti, kteří splnili podmínky ukončení předmětu.

Zkouška je kombinovaná - část písemná (1 řádný a 2 opravné termíny) splněna alespoň na 70%

                                          - část ústní 1 řádný a 2 opravné termíny


Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (02.02.2016)
Syllabus -

Course contents: Learning basic language means in professional, scientific, popular scientific, journalistic and conference styles. Main focus is on monologues (short reports, papers, comments) and on more difficult writing (reviews, reports). Managing a talk shop/discussion. Syntactic and lexical phenomena that are difficult from the point of interlingual interference - based on Russian language stylistics. Preparation for Russian foreign language teaching practice.

Discussion topics:

Natural climatic conditions in Russia.

Map of Russia.

Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.04.2009)
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