Course aim: Students are provided with the basis of the foreign language teaching theory with the emphasis on
teaching Russian on different levels and in different kinds of educational institutions. Together with theoretical knowledge
put into wider scientific context, this course focuses on development of students? skills required the successful management
of the teaching process. It prepares prospective teachers for their autonomous decision making as well as for the creative
approach to problem solving in the contemporary foreign language methodology and for continuous study of professional
literature and materials in the given subject.
Course contents: Teaching of individual language layers: phonetic and graphic means of language, grammar and
vocabulary (selection and organization of curriculum, its presentation and fixation).
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Course aim: Students are provided with the basis of the foreign language teaching theory with the emphasis on teaching Russian on different levels and in different kinds of educational institutions. Together with theoretical knowledge put into wider scientific context, this course focuses on development of students' skills required the successful management of the teaching process. It prepares prospective teachers for their autonomous decision making as well as for the creative approach to problem solving in the contemporary foreign language methodology and for continuous study of professional literature and materials in the given subject.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)
Poslední úprava: PhDr. Lenka Havelková, Ph.D. (17.02.2014)
Požadavky ke splnění předmětu Didaktika I - aktivní účast na seminářích, max. 2 absence za semestr - průběžné a včasné plnění VŠECH zadaných úkolů - průběžné výstupy v mikrovyučování - splnění zápočtového testu, který musí student splnit min. na 75 procent úspěšnosti, přičemž na zápočet má student jeden řádný a jeden opravný termín
Last update: HAVEL9AP (27.02.2014)
JELĺNEK, S.; PURM, R. a kol. Didaktika ruského jazyka. Vybrané kapitoly. Praha: SPN, 1991. Акишина, А.А., Каган, О.Е. Учимся учить. Москва : Русский язык, 2010. Московкин, Л.В., Щукин, А.Н. Хрестоматия по методике преподавания русского языка как иностранного. Москва : Русский язык, 2010. Společný evropský referenční rámec pro jazyky. Olomouc : Univerzita Palackého, 2002. Školské dokumenty (RVP pro základní a střední školy) - www.msmt.cz JELĺNEK, S. a kol. Metodické problémy vyučování cizím jazykům. Praha: SPN, 1976.
Last update: HAVEL9AP (17.02.2014)
Course contents: Teaching of individual language layers: phonetic and graphic means of language, grammar and vocabulary (selection and organization of curriculum, its presentation and fixation).
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.04.2009)