This course is a follow-up to CLIL I. It continues to develop the basic professional skills of future CLIL teachers through
expanding subject-specific vocabulary and the study of linguistic, social, cultural and psychological aspects of CLIL. It
broadens knowledge and skills in methodology by specific features related to CLIL including interactive and cooperative
ways of working with the students. The seminars also cover planning a teaching unit and its realisation through peer
teaching. (This interdisciplinary course is run in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical
Last update: JANCOVI/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (30.04.2009)
BEN-ZEEV, S. The Influence of Bilingualism on Cognitive Strategy and Cognitive Development. In: Child Development, 1997, č.48, s.1009-1018. CLINE,T., SHAMSI,T. The Assessment of learning difficulties in literacy among children learning English as an additional language. Research brief. Language needs or special needs? Bedfordshire: University of Luton, Department of Psychology, 2000, č.184. COOK, V. Second Language Learning and Teaching. London: Edward Arnold. 1992. GARDELLA, F. & TONG, V. Implications of Language Development in the Learning of Mathematics. In: Hejný, M. & Novotná,J. (eds.), Proceedings SEMT 99. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Education, 1999, s.129-133. GONZALES, V. Language and cognitive development in second language learning. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. HOFMANNOVÁ, M., Novotná, J. & Pípalová, R. Assessment approaches to teaching mathematics in English as a foreign language (Czech experience). International CLIL Research Journal. Vol. 1, 2008, p. 21-36. 2.1.2009 http://www.icrj.eu. PAIVIO, A. & LAMBERT, W. Dual Coding and Bilingual Memory. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1981, č. 34, s. 390-401. Last update: JANCOVI/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (30.04.2009)