The subject is a continuation of the English in the Media and Educational Issues in the Media II subjects. The presupposed
entry level is C1 of CEFR and one of the aims is to further upgrade the level of students? competences towards C2. Further
attention will be given to the English newspaper style and to the lexical resources in the field of education, with special
emphasis on terminology, collocations, neologisms and the so-called false friends used in newspaper articles and radio
reporting. The themes will be those of topical issues in education in the UK, the Czech Republic (and marginally also the
USA) with a special focus on developments in terciary education and life-long education.
Last update: JANCOVI/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (28.04.2009)
MARR, A. A History of Modern Britain. PAN BOOKS, 2007. FRASER, R. A People's History of Britain. Pimlico, 2003. McCARTHY, M.; O'DELL, F. English Vocabulary in Use : Advanced. Cambridge University Press, 2002. McCARTHY, M.; O'DELL, F. English Collocations in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2005. MACKINNON, D.; STATHAM, J.; HALES, M. Education in the UK : Facts & Figures. Hodder & Stoughton, 1996.
Last update: JANCOVI/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (04.05.2009)
MARR, A. A History of Modern Britain. PAN BOOKS, 2007. FRASER, R. A People's History of Britain. Pimlico, 2003. McCARTHY, M.; O'DELL, F. English Vocabulary in Use : Advanced. Cambridge University Press, 2002. McCARTHY, M.; O'DELL, F. English Collocations in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2005. MACKINNON, D.; STATHAM, J.; HALES, M. Education in the UK : Facts & Figures. Hodder & Stoughton, 1996.
Last update: JANCOVI/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (04.05.2009)