This course introduces students to the study of text linguistics and stylistics. In its first part, the course proceeds from the outline of communicative event, various language functions, standards of textuality and crucially deals with some of the stylistic varieties, registers, genres and text types. In its second part, the course explores particularly the structure/organization of discourse, microtextual phenomena (sometimes referred to as text syntax, primarily the area of cohesive links/chains) and works towards macrotextual analysis. Naturally, the recommended sources come especially from the English-speaking world, though in view of the domestic functionalist and structuralist tradition, some topics are studied in a contrastive manner. Special emphasis is put on the achievements of Czech linguistics in the area of FSP (primarily the contextual factor), thematic progressions and the build-up of paragraph. Attention is also paid to the application of the phenomena when teaching and using the language. The seminar project consists of a comprehensive analysis of an authentic text
Last update: Jančovičová Ivana, Mgr. (10.10.2016)
GRADED CREDITS will be given to students for a) their active participation in seminars (which includes acccomplishing regularly the particular reading assignments; two missed classes per semester are allowed) b) submitting a hard copy of an adequate seminar paper (the instruction provided during the first seminar) by the stipulated deadline and c) passing a credit test (composed of two parts equal in value, i.e., one verifying theoretical knowledge (max. 15pts) and one verifying practical analytical skills (max. 15pts); for a successful pass of the credit test, there is a minimum requirement of 21 pts (i.e.,70% in all). The grade is established on the assessment of the seminar paper and both parts of the credit test. Students may sit the credit test max. three times (three attempts). Not meeting conditions a) active participation and b) submitting an adequate seminar paper by the stipulated deadline precludes the credit for the subject in the semester automatically.
Last update: Jančovičová Ivana, Mgr. (10.10.2016)
Halliday, M.A.K., Hasan, R. Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective. Oxford: OUP, 1985 Halliday, MAK, Hasan, R.: Cohesion in English. Harlow: Longman, 1976 Kol. Mluvnice češtiny, III. Praha: Academia, 1989, 622-715 Chaplen, F. Paragraph Writing. Oxford: OUP, 1970 Daneš, F. The Paragraph / A Central Unit of the Thematic and Compositional Buildup of Texts, In: Organization of Discourse, proceedings from the Turku Conference, eds. B. Warvik, S.K. Tanskannen, R. Hiltunen. Turku: Turku University, 1995, p. 29-40 Crystal, D. Davy, D. Investigating English Style. Harlow: Longman 1969 Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge:CUP, 1995 (relevant chapters) Esser, J. Introduction to English Text-linguistics. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Mein, 2009 Hoey, M. Patterns of Lexis in Text. Oxford: OUP, 1991 De Beaugrande, R.A. Dressler, W.: Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman, 1981 Vachek, J. Chapters from Modern English Lexicology and Stylistics. Praha: SNP, 1991 Hoffmannová, J., Stylistika a….. Praha: Trizonia 1997 Firbas, J., Functional Sentence Perspective in Written and Spoken Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Kořenský, J., et al. Komplexní analýza komunikačního procesu a textu, České Budějovice: Pedf ČB, 1987 Norgaard, N., Busse, B., Montoro, R. (eds.) Key terms in Stylistics. London, New York: Continuum, 2010 Greenbaum, S., Quirk, R. A Student´s Grammar of the English Language. Harlow: Longman, 1990 Urbanová, L., Oakland, A. Úvod do anglické stylistiky. Brno: Nakladatelství Barrister & Principal, 2002 Urbanová, L. Stylistika anglického jazyka. Brno: Nakladatelství Barrister & Principal, 2008 Verdonk, P. Stylistics. Oxford: OUP, 2003 Tárnyiková, J. From Text to Texture. An Introduction to Processing Strategies. Olomouc: UP, 2002 Widdowson, H. Discourse Analysis. Oxford: OUP, 2011
Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (12.10.2016)