The course acquaints students with the teaching profession and the content of the teacher's work in the overall context of school operation. Above all, it focuses on teacher-pupil interactions in the educational process and related non-teaching activities. In the accompanying seminars, they will theoretically reflect the general pedagogical and psychological aspects of teaching according to the assignment of the portfolio.
Last update: Richterová Magdalena, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.01.2022)
Aims: The student in the group analyzes educational and upbringing situations from a psychological, socio-pedagogical and general didactic perspective. The acquired knowledge about teaching and extracurricular activities of teachers will be compared with the corresponding documents. Based on professional argumentation, he proposes alternative ways of solving practical situations.
Last update: Richterová Magdalena, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.01.2022)
Předmět má 4 kredity dle ECTS, celková časová zátěž studenta odpovídá 120 hodinám. Doba očekávané přípravy na 1 hodinu praxe 20 minut, doba očekávané přípravy na 1 hodinu reflexního semináře 30 minut, samostudium literatury (za celý semestr) 20 hodin, práce se studijními materiály (za celý semestr) 6 hodin, plnění průběžných úkolů (za celý semestr) 20 hodin. Seminární práce 12 hodin, příprava na zápočet 10 hodin. Last update: Zvírotský Michal, PhDr., Ph.D. (01.09.2021)
Credit requirements: active participation in practice, undergoing listening and reflection, fulfillment of tasks assigned by the teacher of practice. elaboration and submission of tasks, - portfolio to Moodle, or their presentation.
Last update: Richterová Magdalena, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.01.2022)
BENDL, S., KUCHARSKÁ, A. (Ed., 2008). Školní pedagogika a školní psychologie. Praha: PedF UK. Průvodce Portfoliem z pedagogicko-psychologické praxe (v Moodle) Last update: Richterová Magdalena, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.01.2022)
Thematic areas according to the portfolio: Pedagogical part: Pedagogical communication and teaching strategies, Pedagogical work of teachers focusing on selected aspects, elaboration of the Final Reflection. Psychological part: school rules, rules of conduct at school. Student activities at school: 1. focused listening to lessons 2. analytical analyzes of lessons with school teachers 3. analytical analyzes of lessons with faculty teachers and classmates, group 4. elaboration of analysis according to portfolio 5. thematic seminars with school teachers and faculty teachers, group preparation of an presentation of an optional topic according to the portfolio 6. data collection for the psychological part of the portfolio Last update: Richterová Magdalena, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.01.2022)