Overview of theoretical and practical information and skills for teaching PE in elementary schools. Lifestyle, children needs, healthy oriented PE,ontogenesis of kinetic, Motions skills, forms, methods and procedures, organization in PE, interesting forms. Practical work with children and analysis of lessons.
Last update: Dlouhý Martin, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.05.2019)
Based on theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for teaching the first TV Wed School to acquire practical work with children. Last update: Dlouhý Martin, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.05.2019)
Přímá výuka 10 hodin Příprava na konzultace 20 hodin Zpracování úkolu 30 hodin Příprava za zkoušku 30 hodin Last update: Hájková Jana, PaedDr. (08.02.2022)
Requirements to the course (credit or tests) clearly based on the syllabus content, annotations, and the announced-studied in the literature describe the subject in SIS and are further refined the teacher at the beginning of the semester. Last update: Dlouhý Martin, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.05.2019)
Rámcový vzdělávací program základního vzdělávání. www.vuppraha/ramcovy.cz Dlouhý, M. Rozvoj pozornosti a výkonové motivace u mládeže se sluchovým postižením prostřednictvím intervenčního pohybového programu. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta. 2011. Last update: Dlouhý Martin, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.05.2019)
Theoretical courses - physical education in "General education programme for primary education", health, healthy life style, child and its needs, development of motor skills, forms, methods, styles of directing PE. Diagnostic methods. Practice - application of theory using evaluation. Requirements - active attendance, leading a lesson, elaborating three writing plans. Oral exam. Last update: Dlouhý Martin, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.05.2019)