SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Musical Culture - OKMN0H218B
Title: Hudební kultura I
Guaranteed by: Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2023 to 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/0, C [HT]
Extent per academic year: 10 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: combined
Teaching methods: combined
Additional information:
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: prof. PaedDr. Michal Nedělka, Dr.
Teacher(s): PhDr. Kateřina Hurníková, Ph.D.
prof. PaedDr. Michal Nedělka, Dr.
Incompatibility : OKMN0H202B
Pre-requisite : OKMN0H214B, OKMN0N204B, OKMN0T201B, OKMN0V203B
Is pre-requisite for: OKMN0H221B, OKMN0H223B
Annotation -
In the lectures students learn about the various stages of musical development, the seminar is focused on the presentation of specific musical works. Students are encouraged to search for common features of individual musical streams and periods, in connection with historical and social development and to realize the differences of individual styles, directions, art schools and groups.
Last update: Nedělka Michal, prof. PaedDr., Dr. (01.09.2019)
Aim of the course -

The student characterises the key moments in the development of European music in relation to general history, literature and visual arts, knows the main representatives of individual periods and styles from the beginnings to early Romanticism, recognises the key music of individual styles and competently assesses music suitable for didactic work in the classroom.

Last update: Nedělka Michal, prof. PaedDr., Dr. (09.09.2024)
Descriptors -

2 credits = 60 hours:

lessons - 10 hours

study of literature - 14 hours,

preparation for classes - 20 hours,

Preparation for credit - 16 hours.

Last update: Hurníková Kateřina, PhDr., Ph.D. (10.09.2023)
Literature -

Povinná literatura:

HURNÍKOVÁ, K. Stručný průvodce dějinami evropské hudby. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK, 2007. 93 s. ISBN 978-80-7290-333-7.

KOUBA, J. ABC hudebních slohů. Od raného středověku k J. S. Bachovi. Praha: Supraphon, 1982. 167 s.

GREGOR, V. Dějiny české a slovenské hudby pro posluchače pedagogických fakult. 2. vyd. Ostrava: Pedagogická fakulta,

1983. 252 s.

Doporučená literatura:

BUKOFZER, M. Hudba v období baroka.  Bratislava: Opus, 1986. 677 s.


ČERNUŠÁK, G. Dějiny evropské hudby. 5. vyd. Praha: Panton, 1974. 527 s. ISBN 35-305-74.

HANŽLÍK, B. Dějiny hudby v obrazech a obrázcích. Čelákovice: Klub přátel ZUŠ Jana Zacha, o. s., 2009. 204 s. ISBN 978-80-254-4824-3.

KYNCL, J. Od gregoriánského chorálu po současné zpěvní formy. Český Těšín: Press-Pygmalion, 2004. 240 s. ISBN 80-239-1925-3.

MICHELS, U. Encyklopedický atlas hudby. Praha: NLN, 2000. 611 s. ISBN 80-7106-238-3.

SEHNAL, J., VYSLOUŽIL, J. Dějiny hudby na Moravě. Brno: Muzejní a vlastivědná společnost, 2001. 311 s. ISBN 80-7275-021-6.

SMOLKA, J. Dějiny hudby. Brno: TOGGA, 2001. 657 s. ISBN 80-902912-0-1.

TROJAN, J. Dějiny opery. Praha: Paseka, 2001. 482 s. ISBN 80-7185-348-8.

VÍTEK, B. Přehled dějin hudby. Pardubice: Agentura Luděk Šorm, 1994. 261 s. ISBN 80-901702-0-X.

Last update: Nedělka Michal, prof. PaedDr., Dr. (01.09.2019)
Syllabus -

1. European culture and its origin in ancient civilizations, early Middle Ages, Gregorian chant and its influence on the formation of medieval and modern spiritual creation.
2. Development of polyphony in the Gothic period, secular monophonic music.
3. Renaissance as a significant transformation of world view and lifestyle, vocal polyphony in works of Dutch school.
4. Italian Renaissance, transformation of musical style in Roman and Venetian schools; music in the Czech lands.
5. Formation of Baroque style, signs of Baroque music, forms of instrumental music.
6. The development of opera.
7. Main Baroque leaders.
8. Baroque in the Czech lands.
9. Transformations of musical style in the period of Classicism, new musical types and forms.
10. Classical Viennese.
11. Czech musical classicism, musical emigration.

12. Early Romantism.


Last update: Hurníková Kateřina, PhDr., Ph.D. (10.09.2023)
Course completion requirements -
Seminar work: listening to opera by B. Smetana Prodaná nevěsta (The Bartered Bride).
Review of any opera performance visit.
Knowledge tests
Listening test
Active participation on lessons, max 2 absences on lessons
Last update: Hurníková Kateřina, PhDr., Ph.D. (10.09.2023)
Learning resources -

Last update: Nedělka Michal, prof. PaedDr., Dr. (01.09.2019)
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