SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Introduction to Pedagogy - OKBZ1P001A
Title: Úvod do pedagogiky
Guaranteed by: Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 10 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: combined
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: prof. PaedDr. Stanislav Bendl, Ph.D.
PhDr. Jaroslav Šaroch, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): prof. PaedDr. Stanislav Bendl, Ph.D.
PhDr. Jaroslav Šaroch, Ph.D.
Interchangeability : OPBZ1P001A
Is pre-requisite for: OKBZ1P003A, OKBZ1S004B, OKBZ1Z005B, OKBZ1Q002B, OKBZ1Q003B, OKBZ1P001B
Annotation -
The course is an introduction to the study of pedagogical disciplines and creates a theoretical basis for the development of professional reflection. The content includes key concepts of general and social pedagogy, key areas and problems of education, selected knowledge about the teaching profession, changes in school and curriculum. Special attention is paid to social education, environmental pedagogy, the issue of social deviations and the area of work with at-risk and socially disadvantaged groups.
Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.08.2021)
Aim of the course -

The main aim of the subject is for students to learn about issues, concepts and scientific structure of pedagogy, to understand the role of education in the historical and contemporary context, to learn about main trends in the educational process from both individual and institutional perspectives. During the course the importance of social competencies of pedagogical staff is explained. Furthermore, the subject aims at improving social competence of prospective educators, for them to gain knowledge and skills they can put into effect in practice in the field of preventive activities. Also, it shows students spheres of school life in which knowledge of social pedagogy is applicable.

Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.08.2021)
Descriptors -

The course is worth 4 ECTS credits, with a total student workload corresponding to 120 hours. The expected preparation time for 1 hour of contact teaching (50 minutes) is 1 hour, independent study of literature (throughout the semester) is 30 hours, work with study materials (throughout the semester) is 10 hours, completion of ongoing assignments (throughout the semester) is 12 hours. Seminar paper: 12 hours, preparation for the exam and the exam: 12 hours.

Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (06.09.2024)
Course completion requirements -

For students to pass the exam they have to prove knowledge and understanding of the concepts that are presented in the lectures or by studying the literature and study materials, which made available in the faculty Moodle.

Compulsory study texts (will be part of the test):

BENDL, S. Nárys sociální pedagogiky. Praha : UK v Praze - Pedagogická fakulta, 2014.

Furthermore, it is mandatory to study the chapter from the textbook (will be part of the test):

BENDL, S. Základy sociální pedagogiky. Praha : UK v Praze - Pedagogická fakulta, 2016, s. 73-131.

Orientation in the issue is verified by a didactic test at the end of the course. The content of the test will be based on facts/information contained in above publications, presented in lectures, pre-recorded lectures, presentations and other study aids available in the faculty Moodle


In addition, knowledge of pre-recorded materials is required, which are:

a) In case of the first three lectures located here:

b) In case of lectures on social pedagogy located on the website: (section "Recorded lectures").

As far as pre-recorded materials are concerned, they are similar to the study of literature as part of self-study.

In case of general pedagogy this includes watching 3 pre-recorded lectures.

V případě sociální pedagogiky budou mít studenti k dispozici 3 předtočené přednášky obsahující většinu látky, která bude probírána v rámci prezenční výuky (přednášek). Přednášky budou k dispozici na webových stránkách vyučujícího (Stanislav Bendl) a budou zpřístupněny po prezenční výuce.

Tři předtočené výklady najdete na webu:

Jedná se o čísla „přednášek“ s těmito hesly:

č. 31: Úvod do PG: Prostředí a jeho vliv na člověka – pedagogizace prostředí

Heslo pro zpřístupnění přednášky bude k dispozici poté, co přednáška proběhne prezenčně.

č. 32: Úvod do PG: Prevence rizikového chování žáků

Heslo pro zpřístupnění přednášky bude k dispozici poté, co přednáška proběhne prezenčně.

č. 33: Úvod do PG:: Pedagogická teleologie a vlivné směry sociální pedagogiky

Heslo pro zpřístupnění přednášky bude k dispozici poté, co přednáška proběhne prezenčně.


In order to pass the exam students need to succeed in the final test at the end of the course and attend at least 60% of seminars.

Orientation in the issue is verified by a didactic test at the end of the course. The content of the test will be based on facts/information contained in above publications, presented in lectures, pre-recorded lectures, presentations and other study aids available in the faculty Moodle The student has a total of three attempts to meet the conditions of the exam, two of which are resits. The didactic test will take place online in the Moodle environment and will be limited in time (60 minutes). It will be an open-book test. This means that students will be able to use the study materials provided or any other resources when writing it. However, it will be necessary to demonstrate orientation in the issue. It will not be enough to simply insert memorized or "google facts". There will be a total of 15 open questions, each worth 3 points. The minimum number of points to successfully pass the exam will be 27 (ie 60%). Scoring is as follows: excellent (1) - 40-45 points, very good (2) - 34-39, good (3) - 27-33.

The student has a total of three attempts to meet the conditions of the exam, two of which are resits.

The didactic test will take place online in the Moodle environment and will be limited in time (60 minutes). It will be an open-book test. This means that students will be able to use the study materials provided or any other resources when writing it. However, it will be necessary to demonstrate orientation in the issue. It will not be enough to simply insert memorized or "google facts".

There will be a total of 10 open questions, each worth 3 points. The minimum number of points to successfully pass the exam will be 18 (ie 60%).

Scoring is as follows: excellent (1) - 30-26 points, very good (2) - 25-22, good (3) - 21-18.


Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (04.03.2022)
Literature -

BENDL, S. (2014). Nárys sociální pedagogiky. Praha: UK v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta.

BENDL, S. a kol. (2015). Vychovatelství. Učebnice teoretických základů oboru. Praha: Grada.

BENDL, S. (2016). Základy sociální pedagogiky. Praha: UK v Praze - Pedagogická fakulta.

BENDL, S.; HANUŠOVÁ, J.; LINKOVÁ, M. (2016). Žák s problémovým chováním: cesta institucionální pomoci. Praha: TRITON.

BOSCO, G. (2007). Můj život pro mladé. Praha: Portál.

BOSCO, T. (1993). Don Bosco. Praha: Portál.

JANIŠ, K.; KRAUS, B.; VACEK, P. (2005). Kapitoly ze základů pedagogiky. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus.

JŮVA, V. (1999). Úvod do pedagogiky. Brno: Paido, 1999.

KRAUS, B. (2008). Základy sociální pedagogiky. Praha: Portál.

PAŘÍZEK, V. (1996). Základy obecné pedagogiky. Praha: PedF UK.

PECHA, L. (1999). Krutá poema. Brno: Doplněk.

PROCHÁZKA, M. (2012). Sociální pedagogika. Praha: Grada.

PRŮCHA, J. (ed.). (2009). Pedagogická encyklopedie. Praha: Portál.

PRŮCHA, J. (2015). Přehled pedagogiky. Praha: Portál.

PRŮCHA, J., WALTEROVÁ, E., MAREŠ, J. (2013). Pedagogický slovník. Praha: Portál.

VALIŠOVÁ, A., KASÍKOVÁ, H. a kol. (2011). Pedagogika pro učitele. Praha: Grada.

Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.08.2021)
Syllabus -
Pedagogy as a science and its subject, sources of pedagogical information.
A historical excursion into the development of pedagogical thinking.
Educational environment and educational processes.
Pedagogical principles in the light of goals and content of education.
Teacher and his profession, other pedagogical staff.
Current trends in education in the Czech Republic and in the world.
Outline of social pedagogy, historical development, definition and influential directions.
Important personalities of social pedagogy in our country and in the world.
Pedagogy of the environment, typology of the environment, intentional and functional education.
Prevention and solution of problem behavior in schools and school facilities.
Methods of social educational activities.
Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.08.2021)
Learning resources -

On-line aids.

Introduction to Pedagogy:

Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2022)
Learning outcomes -

Main objectives: The student will explain the role of education and upbringing in both historical and contemporary contexts and outline the main trends in the educational process from both individual and institutional perspectives.
The student will clarify the importance of the competencies of educational staff.
The student will provide examples of areas of school life where social pedagogy can be applied, with an emphasis on preventive measures.

Detailed learning outcomes (The student...):

  • Defines pedagogy as a science and outlines its content, subject matter, and goals. Identifies key sciences that collaborate with pedagogy and specifies the intersections between pedagogy and these sciences. Categorizes pedagogical sciences and explains their role in achieving educational goals.
  • Defines socialization and outlines the individual phases of its process. Explains and logically connects key terms, including cultural transmission, enculturation/acculturation, internalization, initiation, and social roles. Explains the goals of socialization and the role of adopting social roles. Defines and compares the concepts of upbringing, education, and knowledge.
  • Lists the stages of the development of pedagogical thought and characterizes the key milestones and figures that significantly influenced the concept of education. Explains selected trends in education and provides examples of their application in contemporary education. Clarifies the contributions of selected figures (Socrates, Aristotle, Comenius, Bacon, Rousseau, Locke, Herbart, Tolstoy, Dewey) to both historical and contemporary education.
  • Explains the Socratic method of dialogue. Justifies the importance of engaging all students in classroom communication. Clarifies the difference between deductive and inductive approaches in teaching and provides examples of both approaches in the field of study.
  • Characterizes basic terms related to the foundations of the educational process of an individual (innate talent, ability, knowledge, skill, competence). Relates these terms to one another.
  • Describes the main functions of the school and the educational system in the Czech Republic. Explains the role of ISCED. Describes the structure of the national curriculum and provides examples of planned, implemented, and acquired curricula. Clarifies curriculum implementation and describes the essence of teachers' work with the school curriculum. Explains the role of key competencies and cross-cutting themes in the curriculum.
  • Compares learning objectives based on cognitive difficulty, evaluates the contribution of Bloom's taxonomy for lesson planning. Explains and compares organizational forms, means, and methods of education and proposes their use in achieving learning objectives.
  • Characterizes the competencies of teachers. Identifies laws that define the legal framework of the teaching profession. Explains how teacher qualification and certification are anchored in Czech legislation. Clarifies the obligations and requirements teachers must meet. Describes the basic dimensions of teacher authority (social, personal, cognitive, and subject-specific). Explains the foundations of building formal and informal teacher authority.
  • Characterizes pedagogical principles. Provides examples of specific applications of these principles.
  • Lists priorities and trends in education based on the Education Policy Strategy of the Czech Republic up to 2030+. Specifies the individual strategic lines and provides examples from personal experience in education.
  • Defines and structures factors contributing to personality development. Sketches diagrams of the relationship between personality and environment. Explains the concept of the pedagogization of the environment and provides examples of stimulating and non-stimulating environments. Discusses possibilities for the pedagogization of the school environment to help achieve educational goals. Characterizes the dependence of educational goals on historical and social contexts.
  • Explains the interrelation of various manifestations of risk behavior. Discusses potential role models for contemporary children and youth. Describes types of prevention of risk behavior and justifies the relativity of risk behavior. Categorizes causes of misconduct.
  • Applies knowledge from theories of risk behavior in school practice. Explains the relationships between risk and protective factors. Assesses the risks associated with diagnosing specific behavior disorders. Applies relevant theories to explain manifestations of specific types of risk behavior. Characterizes differences between types of disciplinary infractions (e.g., different types of vandalism, truancy, etc.). Evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of school prevention programs.
  • Describes manifestations of problematic and risk behavior with regard to the age of students. Provides specific examples of problematic and risk behavior that teachers encounter in practice. Critically evaluates methodological guidelines and recommendations from the Ministry of Education for preventing risk behavior among students. Discusses disciplinary infractions and potential interventions and solutions for such behavior.
  • Explains the historical development of the relationship between individual and collective goals in education. Clarifies the difference between naturalistic and supranaturalistic goals in education. Compares the cultivation and operational lines of thought on the societal role of education and connects both lines to basic types of education.
  • Explains the relationship of education to the key spheres of life in society. Clarifies the concept of the school as a tool for social integration.
  • Describes the parameters of the teaching profession that contribute to its complexity, even its "impossibility," and justifies these claims.
Last update: Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D. (06.09.2024)
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