The aim of this course is to achieve the student's understanding of basic concepts and relevant theoretical apparatus in the field of perception, use and production of multimedia data and simultaneously prepare students for adopting of necessary activities when controlling multimedia environment, systems and devices. The course content focuses on the issue of the perception of audio and visual information, the basic principles of spatial imaging and augmented reality, analog and digital signal processing, recording, playback, audio and video coding formats, compress video and audio data and parameters of the software including specific software for the 3D imaging and augmented reality.
Last update: Jeřábek Tomáš, PhDr., Ph.D. (03.12.2014)
CALVERLEY, G., CHILDS, M., SCHNIEDERS, L. Video for education. Lulu.com, 2008. ČADA, O. Digitální video krok za krokem. Praha : Grafika Publishing, 2002. FINNEY, A., ENGLAND, E. Managing Multimedia: Project Management for Interactive Media. Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2002. KOHOUTKOVA, J. Hypermedia Interfaces to Relational Data Structures. Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2003. KOPECKÝ, P. Základy elektronického zvuku a jeho kreativní zpracování. Praha: FAMU, Katedra zvukové tvorby, 2008, 1.vydání. ISBN 80-7331-121-6 MYSLÍN, J. Digitální video v praxi. Praha : Computer Media, 2005. PECINOVSKÝ, J. Digitální video. Praha : Grada Publishing a. s., 2009. SOUKUP, J. PEJSAR, Z., BALCAROVÁ, A. Multimédia ve výuce. Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně, 2004. ZAHRADNÍK, J. Základy audiovizuální tvorby. 1. vydání. SPŠST, 2006. Last update: Vaňková Petra, PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2012)
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Last update: Jeřábek Tomáš, PhDr., Ph.D. (03.12.2014)
Last update: Vaňková Petra, PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2012)