The mission of the subject Computer Processing of Graphics is to achieve the student’s understanding of basic principles and methods of processing graphic data on computer and induce, respectively develop the appropriate qualification for creative work with graphic tools and through them with graphic information on the computer. The challenge of course is to create adequate both theoretical and skills conditions for further competency development in the direction of the use and creation of both general and technically oriented computer graphics and multimedia applications. Objective of the course consists in mastering the knowledge and activities in the field of computer graphics, to master basic work with image data and the use of graphic information, acquirement different ways of acquiring and editing graphic data, including the choice and mastery of the equipment or programs for working with graphics and knowledge of their specifications and functional options. The course content focuses on the types, characteristics and possibilities of processing graphic data, on the computer graphics data resources, technical equipment for the processing of graphics, color processing, types and properties of graphic formats, programs for creating graphics and processing methods and their use in terms of production, treatment or presentation graphics on computer.
Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.12.2011)
FOLEY, J. D. Computer graphics - principles and practice. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 2005. FRASER, B., MURPHY, CH., BUNTING, F. Správa Barev. Brno : Computer Press, 2004. LONG, B. Complete Digital Photography. Hingham : Charles River Media, 2004. MURRAY, J.D., vanRYPER, W. Encyklopedie grafických formátů I, II. Brno : Computer Press, 2005. NAVRÁTIL. P. Počítačová grafika a multimédia. Praha : Computer Media, 2007. PECINOVSKÝ, J. Skenery a skenování. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2003. ROUBAL, P. Kreslení a grafika. Praha : Computer Press, 2006. TŮMA, T. Počítačová grafika a design. Brno : Computer Press, 2007. ŽÁRA, J. a kol. Moderní počítačová grafika. Brno : Computer Press, 2005. Digineff wbové stránky o digitální fotografii. Dostupné z URL: < http://www.digineff.cz >. Grafika on-line. Dostupné z URL: < http://www.grafika.cz >. Pixel 2D/3D grafika a animace, digitální video a zvuk. Dostupné z URL: < http://www.pixel.cz >. Server o problematice 3D grafiky a digitálních médií Dostupné z URL: < http://3dgrafika.cz/ >. Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.12.2011)
COMPUTER GRAPHICS Semi-graphics, graphics mode, graphical user interface, brightness and color, color and brightness perception, elements of computer graphics, point, line, vector, curves and surfaces, transformations TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS Sources graphic data, raster image, bitmap image, vector image, vector graphics, color depth, bit depth, resolution, interpolation, alias WAYS TO WORK WITH GRAPHICS ON COMPUTER Characteristics of bitmap and vector graphics formats, graphical data compression, processing of color, spot color, process color models, color profiles, printing, and the specifics of application of vector and bitmap graphics HARDWARE FOR GRAPHICS PROCESSING sensor elements light sensitive, scanners, resolution, digital photos, graphics cards and graphics accelerators, development, standards, basic parameters, monitors, projectors, printers, printing methods, resolution, specificity PROGRAMS FOR CREATING AND GRAPHICS PROCESSING Characteristics of bitmap and vector graphics editors, characteristics of browsers, graphic workshops and tools, support programs, specialized programs WORK WITH BITMAP EDITOR Program and its available tools and functions, editing bitmaps, user settings, work with layers, import, archive files, export, conversion, calibration, printing WORK WITH VECTOR EDITOR Program and its available tools and functionality, special features and use of effects, traces of bitmap graphics, user settings, work with layers, styles and templates, import, symbols and images archives, export, printing OTHER WAYS OF WORKING WITH GRAPHICS Using of graphics programs for editing and converting graphic files, capture image masters, Optical Character Reading, capture screen content, creating animated GIF sequences, digital photo editing and printing photos Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.12.2011)