Dramatic education is aimed for personality-social and artistic development of individual through drama art. The essential part of this subject terminology is the word "dramatic". It originates from the Greek word "drán" which is translated as "act, deal/realised/perform. Dramatic education is education realised by acting towards acting.
The university student is taught the basics of inter-personal behaviour group and problem-oriented teaching, model dramatization work as well as the class arrangement or dealing with trouble-maker students through practice with a reasonable degree of theoretical background.
Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (31.08.2012)
The aim of dramatic education is to create a system of personality-social and artistic competences needed for teaching any subject. The student experience various techniques of working with learners through games and tasks focused on inter-personal behaviour and dramatization, which should strenghten his idea of pedagogic communication. He also meets the methods using in dramatic education as well as learns how dramatic education itself may becoma a teaching method. Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (31.08.2012)
BLÁHOVÁ, K. Uvedení do systému školní dramatiky. Praha: IPOS, 1996. KOŤÁTKOVÁ, S. Vybrané kapitoly z dramatické výchovy. Praha: UK, 1998. MACKOVÁ, S. Dramatická výchova ve škole. Brno: DF JAMU, 1995. MACHKOVÁ, E. Drama v anglické škole. Praha: Artama, 1991. MACHKOVÁ, E. Metodika dramatické výchovy a zásobník. Praha: Artama, 1993. MACHKOVÁ, E. Základy dramatické výchovy. Praha: SPN, 1980, MÜLLER, O.Dramika /nejen/ pro speciální pedagogy. Olomouc, UP 1995. MUSIL, R. Přiblížit se k žákům. Praha: Strom, 1997. PAVELKOVÁ, S. Dramatická výchova. Plzeň: KKS, 1989. RYCHETSKÝ, S. a kol. 92 lekcí dramatické výchovy. Ostrava: Dramacentrum, 1994. VALENTA, J. Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy. Praha : Strom, 1997. VALENTA, J. Dramatická výchova a sociálně psychologický výcvik. Praha : ISV, 1999. WAY, B. Rozvoj osobnosti dramatickou improvizací. Praha: ISV, 1997. Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (31.08.2012)
This subject is arranged in a couple of - hour sections setting in a classroom without desks. the students are recommended to wear a comfortable working outfit which enables them to move freely even on the floor. The classes require an active participation of all the students present. The optimal number of students range from 16 to 18 as the higher number of students does not provide the oportunity to experience various situation personally, which is one of the requirements of attendance at this subject. Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (31.08.2012)
The requirements for receiving a classified credit The attendance at the seminars .......................... 75% (with no regard to anybody being ill or not) - to read up the subject topics (they will be covered gradually in the course of the subject teaching, at the end of classes the students will be provided with the lecture notes involved) Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (31.08.2012)
- the principle of dramatic education, its foundation in the world as well as in the Czechia - methods, organisation system of dramatic education - self-discovering - discovering your individuality - another person discovering - meeting, ability to co-operate - seeking your own place in a group - interplay in a pair and in a group - confidence, creativity - dealing with information - transmission, reception - getting and keeping a learner’s attention - dealing with words - intonation, voice tone, speed&rhythm, stress, pauses - given model dramazitation - the possibilities of using drama in teaching Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (31.08.2012)