The aim of the course is to present current global problems of the environment with emphasis on subjective perception of the environment and its effects on human health. The course focuses especially on the following topics: anthropogenic activities as an influence of the environment, common environmental responsibility, relationship of state ? industry ? consumer, necessity of interconnecting ecological thinking and social sciences, psychology and ecology, the environment perception, the environment as a source of information, the environment and health, social system and the environmental world, the environment and interpersonal interaction, human territorial behavior, the problem of overpopulation, ecological psychology of privacy.
Last update: ZVIROTSK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (17.12.2010)
The aim of the course is to present current global problems of the environment with emphasis on subjective perception of the environment and its effects on human health. Last update: ZVIROTSK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (17.12.2010)
ČERNOUŠEK, M. Psychologie životního prostředí. Praha: Karolinum, 1992. Last update: Thorovská Alena, PhDr. (29.10.2019)
Active participation in seminars. Last update: Thorovská Alena, PhDr. (29.10.2019)
1. Basic ecological and environmental conceptions and their connections. 2. Development of human being?s relation to the nature and environment. Global issues. 3. Anthropogenic activities impact on the environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere), common responsibility for the environment. Optional agreements and attitude towards the environment protection. State - industry - consumer relation. 4. The necessity of ecological thinking and social sciences interconnection. Psychology and ecology, environment perception. 5. Environment as the information source. Environment and health social system and life of world, environment and interpersonal interactions, human being s territorial behaviour, overpopulation issue, ecological psychology of privacy. 6. State and problems of environment in the CR, region and the local place. 7. Environment and children. Last update: ZVIROTSK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (17.12.2010)