The subject provides psychosocial and pedagogical characteristics of children with various levels of disability. It points out specific needs of a family taking care of a disabled child. It clarifies the issue of integration and gives overview of schools a facilities intended for the education of individuals with special education needs.
Last update: LINKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.11.2012)
The subject of the study acquaints the students with the foundation of special education. Special education is the discipline of pedagogics, which discusses contemporary problems of education of the pupils with health handicap and with new of integration, humanisation and democration trends of education children, adolescents and adults with different specieses of handicaps. Last update: LINKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.11.2012)
AUGER, M.T., BOUCHARLAT, CH. Učitel a problémový žák. Praha : Portál, 2005 FISCHER, S., ŠKODA, J. Speciální pedagogika. Praha : Triton, 2008 HÁJKOVÁ, V., STRNADOVÁ, I. Inkluzivní vzdělávání. Praha : Grada, 2010 CHVÁTALOVÁ, H. Jak se žije dětem s postižením. Praha : Portál, 2001 JESENSKÝ, J. Prostor pro integraci. Praha : Comenia consult, 1993 SLOWÍK, J. Speciální pedagogika. Praha : Grada, 2007 Last update: Linková Marie, PhDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
test Last update: Linková Marie, PhDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Contents: Special education, the content of subject, the objectives, specialization, new trends. The types of the health handicaps. Special schools. The types of the special school institutions. The integration of the pupils with health handicaps in the regular education. The pedagogical, psychological and social problems of the children, the youngs and the adults with mental retardation. The new trends in the institute care. The education of the pupils with the conduct handicap. The centres of educational care for the children and the youngs. Last update: LINKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.02.2012)