Sociology of education is a discipline on the boundary between sociology and pedagogy. This teaching subject deals with the topics from the definition of the subject up to concrete problems of sociology of education such as globalization, gender problems, school as an institution, the function of education and school etc.
Last update: PROKOP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.08.2012)
The aim of the subject of sociology of education is to concentrate to the topical themes connected with education, to discuss these themes and to practise them with students. In seminars the knowledge of sociology and pedagogy will be utilized and interconnected, especially in areas dealing with the process of education and institutions. Last update: PROKOP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.08.2012)
HAVLÍK, R., KOŤA, J. Sociologie výchovy a školy. Praha: Portál, 2002, 176 s. ISBN 80-7178-635-7. ONDREJKOVIČ, P. Socializácia v sociológii výchovy. Bratislava: Veda, 2004, 200 s. ISBN 80-224-0781-X. PROKOP, J. Sociologie výchovy a školy. Liberec: PedF Technické univerzity, 2001, 96 s. ISBN 80-7083-535-4. PROKOP, J. Školní socializace. PedF Technické univerzity, 2001, 80 s.. ISBN 80-7083-536-2. PROKOP, J. Škola a společnost v kritických teoriích 2. poloviny 20. století. Praha: Karolinum, 2005, strany 13-70. ISBN 80-246-1008-6.
Povinně výběrová: podle zadání vyučujícího Last update: PROKOP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.08.2012)
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Last update: PROKOP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (07.10.2014)
Contents: 1. Definition of sociology of education (sociology, definition of sociology of education and its topics, short survey of its development. 2. Sociological approaches in sociology of education (functionalistic, interactive, conflicting). 3. The relation of society, upbringing and education. 4. The function of upbringing and education in society. 5. Upbringing and education in relation to the socialisation of man. 6. Social group. 7. Social and pedagogical communication. 8. School status and its role. 9. School as an organisation or bureaucratic institution? 10.Equality of opportunities in upbringing, education and life.
Last update: PROKOP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.08.2012)