The course clarifies the influence of socio-cultural factors that determine the appearance of the school, its internal organization, climate and environment. It emphasizes the transformation of the school model in the European context with regard to the specifics of the Czech school, including alternative and innovative models. With regard to the social cultural and pedagogical function of the school, it deepens key concepts, especially school as a community, school as a learning organization, school as a cultural environment, school autonomy, school climate, innovative school, school in a relationship network, open school. The course provides methodological basis for school research, especially analytical and constructive activities in the school environment, develops skills to apply theoretical knowledge. It will result in the development of skills associated with the creation of a school passport, a case study project, the design of a school cooperation program with parents or the local community, the design of a school rules, etc. The output of the course will be a seminar in which these skills will be verified.
The aim of the course is to create and deepen the theoretical basis for understanding the functions of the school as a social institution, for understanding the culture of the school as an environment for targeted education, personalities and social development and cultivation of students. 1. School as a social institution and as a level of organization of education. The concept of social institutions. School functions (manifest and latent). Critical theories of school. The pressure of global factors on nation states and their traditional school models. Examples of the transformation of education in selected developed countries. Scenarios for the future of the school according to the OECD and the fulfillment of the functions of the educational institution in them. 2. School as a common and specific organization. Characteristics of the organization (elements, structures), behavior of people in the organization. School as a specific organization (loose bond). School administration, management and leadership. Basic approaches to pedagogical school management. Competition and the market in education. The importance of stability and the process of change. School as a community and learning organization. The school and its partners: cooperation or conflict. 3. Climate and culture of the school. Physical, organizational and socio-cultural environment of the school. Origin, similarities and differences of the concepts of culture and climate of the organization. Components of culture. Culture of effective schools. The method of finding out and the importance of climate and school culture. Church climate, classes - components. School time and regime.
Last update: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2020)
The course clarifies the influence of socio-cultural factors that determine the appearance of the school, its internal organization, climate and environment. It emphasizes the transformation of the school model in the European context with regard to the specifics of the Czech school, including alternative and innovative models. With regard to the social cultural and pedagogical function of the school, it deepens key concepts, especially school as a community, school as a learning organization, school as a cultural environment, school autonomy, school climate, innovative school, school in a relationship network, open school. The course provides methodological basis for school research, especially analytical and constructive activities in the school environment, develops skills to apply theoretical knowledge. It will result in the development of skills associated with the creation of a school passport, a case study project, the design of a school cooperation program with parents or the local community, the design of a school rules, etc. The output of the course will be a seminar in which these skills will be verified.
The aim of the course is to create and deepen the theoretical basis for understanding the functions of the school as a social institution, for understanding the culture of the school as an environment for targeted education, personalities and social development and cultivation of students. 1. School as a social institution and as a level of organization of education. The concept of social institutions. School functions (manifest and latent). Critical theories of school. The pressure of global factors on nation states and their traditional school models. Examples of the transformation of education in selected developed countries. Scenarios for the future of the school according to the OECD and the fulfillment of the functions of the educational institution in them. 2. School as a common and specific organization. Characteristics of the organization (elements, structures), behavior of people in the organization. School as a specific organization (loose bond). School administration, management and leadership. Basic approaches to pedagogical school management. Competition and the market in education. The importance of stability and the process of change. School as a community and learning organization. The school and its partners: cooperation or conflict. 3. Climate and culture of the school. Physical, organizational and socio-cultural environment of the school. Origin, similarities and differences of the concepts of culture and climate of the organization. Components of culture. Culture of effective schools. The method of finding out and the importance of climate and school culture. Church climate, classes - components. School time and regime.
Last update: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2020)
Literature -
BRUNS, Barbara, FILMER, Deon, PETRINOS, Harry Anthony. Making schools work: New evidence on accountability reforms. Washington: The World Bank, 2011.
CONNOLLY, Michael, EDDY-SPICER, David Henning, JAMES, Chris, KRUSE, Sharon (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of school organization. London: SAGE 2019. HARGREAVES, Andy. Second international handbook of educational change. London: Springer, 2010. ISBN 9048126592. MEIGHAN, Roland. A sociology of educating. London: Cassell 1986. MOREE, Dana. Teachers and school culture in the Czech Republic before and after 1989. Curriculum Journal, 2013, 24, 586–608. MŠMT. Framework education programme for basic education. 2008. Online: OECD. Back to the future of education: Four OECD scenarios for schooling, educational research and innovation. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020. OECD. PISA 2018 results (Volume V): Effective policies, successful schools. PISA, Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020. SCOTT, Richard: Institutions and organizations: Ideas, interests, and identities. 4th edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2014. SHEWBRIDGE, Claire, HERCZYNSKI, Jan, RADINGER, Thomas, SONNEMANN, Julie. OECD reviews of school resources: Czech Republic. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2016.
Last update: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2020)
BRUNS, Barbara, FILMER, Deon, PETRINOS, Harry Anthony. Making schools work: New evidence on accountability reforms. Washington: The World Bank, 2011.
CONNOLLY, Michael, EDDY-SPICER, David Henning, JAMES, Chris, KRUSE, Sharon (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of school organization. London: SAGE 2019. HARGREAVES, Andy. Second international handbook of educational change. London: Springer, 2010. ISBN 9048126592. MEIGHAN, Roland. A sociology of educating. London: Cassell 1986. MOREE, Dana. Teachers and school culture in the Czech Republic before and after 1989. Curriculum Journal, 2013, 24, 586–608. MŠMT. Framework education programme for basic education. 2008. Online: OECD. Back to the future of education: Four OECD scenarios for schooling, educational research and innovation. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020. OECD. PISA 2018 results (Volume V): Effective policies, successful schools. PISA, Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020. SCOTT, Richard: Institutions and organizations: Ideas, interests, and identities. 4th edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2014. SHEWBRIDGE, Claire, HERCZYNSKI, Jan, RADINGER, Thomas, SONNEMANN, Julie. OECD reviews of school resources: Czech Republic. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2016.
Last update: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2020)