Introduction into the Didactics of the English Language II - OIBA3A051A
Title: Introduction into the Didactics of the English Language II
Guaranteed by: Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2020
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 0 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Klára Uličná, Ph.D.
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
Introduction into the Didactics of the English Language II is a theoretical and practical course within whose framework future teachers will get aquainted with the importace of planning for the teacher, with curricular, startegic and programme documents, with material and non-material didactic aids and also with the main principles of textbook and other teaching materials selection and evaluation. Topics 1 curricular and programme documents 2 planning lessons and courses 3 material and non-material didactic aids 4 the role of the textbook, criteria for its selection and evaluation 5 other materials and aids available and their application in the teaching process, e.g authentic materials, graded freaders.
Last update: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (25.10.2020)
Literature -

Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing Your Coursebook. Macmillan Heinemann. ISBN: 0-435-24058-7.

Doff, A. (1988). Teach English: atraining course for teachers. Cambridge, Cambridge University.  ISBN: 0-521-34863-3.

Grant, N. (1987). Making the Most of your Textbook. Longman. ISBN: 978-0582746244.

Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language teaching. Longman: Pearson Education.  ISBN: 0-582-40385-5.

Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning teaching: the essentials guide to English language teaching. Oxford:Macmilan.  ISBN: 978-1-4050-1399-4.

Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). (2011). Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. Vybrané kapitoly. ISBN: 978-0-521-15704-9.

Ur, P. (1991). A Course in Language Teaching.Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-44994-6.

Last update: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (25.10.2020)