This course seeks to familiarize the students with standard translation methodologies, with a particular focus on identifiable challenges and stumbling blocks which one may encounter in the process of translating from one´s mother tongue (Czech) into a foreign language (English). These systemic observations and theoretical recommendations are then practically utilized and demonstrated with reference to pre-selected samples of native Czech text, consisting predominantly of journalese.
Last update: Ženíšek Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D. (13.05.2019)
Credit requiremens: Active class participation, final in-class test. Students who do not pass the test will need to submit a digital portfolio of all class assignments which they translated within the course. Last update: Ženíšek Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D. (13.05.2019)
RECOMMENDED LITERATURE: Last update: Ženíšek Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D. (28.10.2019)
Week 1 Intro
Week 2-3 Adjectival and adverbial phrases and collocations Text: Michal Komárek: Štastná paní Kateřina
Week 4-5 Functional equivalence, hyperonymy, sequence of tenses Text: Kateřina Čopjaková: Erasmus živější
Week 1 6-7 Collocations and idioms I, functional sentence perspective Text: Marek Švehla: Závazek dát třetinu dětí do jeslí?
Week 8 - 9 Aproximating English verb phrases, lexical cohesion Text: Tomáš Lindner: Buďme línější
Week 10– 11 Collocations and idioms II, expressing causality Text: Margit Slimáková: Ve výživě je skoro všechno naopak
Week 11-12 Syntactic segmentation Text: Václav Cílek: Krize z přepychu
Week 13. týden Credit test Last update: Ženíšek Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D. (13.05.2019)