The aim of the subject is to upgrade the students' language skills from C1-C2 level to a solid C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This is the second semester of a three-semester course. Work with the course-book continues and practical language skills are developed through discussions, listening comprehension passages and writing with special emphasis on accuracy, fluency and complexity of the language expression. The grammar topics are e.g. degrees of likelihood and countability of nouns. The topics include the themes like the consumer society, music, art etc. These are thoroughly analysed, the students are encouraged to express and defend their opinions in speaking and writing. Two compulsory writing tasks will be assigned so as to expand the students´ writing skills. (Note for foreign students: the course is shorter due to the compulsory teaching practice of regular Charles Uni students).
Last update: Topolovská Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (08.02.2021)
Information for seminar groups tutored by dr. Mikulas: Due to the virus-related measures, our lectures and seminars will take place online until further notice as follows: • There will be a class in Google Classroom (GC) (expect an invitation). • There will be regular online sessions via ZOOM (find the link in GC) in accordance with our IS schedule. • All homework (HW) will be assigned and submitted via GC on a regular basis. • HW will be assessed and evaluated ONLY AFTER the deadline. • All materials will be distributed via GC.
Here is the link to the GC room: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjUyNTUwMjk5NTQ2?cjc=5pvo5og Last update: Topolovská Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (08.02.2021)
For the credits the student needs to submit the two assigned writing tasks and to pass the final written test. The passmark is 70 %. Last update: Topolovská Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (08.02.2021)
Last update: Topolovská Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (08.02.2021)
In addition to the regular course content, intensive self-study is expected based on the prescribed self-study reference and practice book (Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency). NOTE: Adjustments to the syllabus are possible - in accordance with the requirements of the students enrolled in the course. Last update: Topolovská Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (08.02.2021)