The primary aim of this course is to enable students to study literature ? fiction, poetry and drama - from a gendered
perspective and to explore the latest theoretical developments in the field of women?s writing and literary/cultural Gender
Studies. Emphasis is on the use of gender as a category of analysis through which to examine literary characters, styles, and
techniques, as well as the circumstances and ideology of authors, readers, and the literary canon. The focus will be on
literature of the 19th and early 20th century and the course will comprise: a general historical overview of the topic of gender
and literature, including the perspectives of some of the most important theoreticians in this area (Showalter, Moi), a gender
perspective on the traditional literary canon (Bronte?s Jane Eyre, Hardy?s Tess etc.) and gender aspects in the literature of
authors in the first half of the twentieth century, including Gertrude Stein and Virginia Woolf.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (02.12.2019)
Tento kurz se zabývá genderovými přístupy ke studiu literatury, a to poezie, dramatu i prózy. Zkoumá způsoby, jimiž je
možno přistupovat ke kritické a do hloubky zaměřené četbě literárních děl s použitím genderu jako analytického nástroje,
ale jde též za texty samotné a věnuje se mužské i ženské literární tradici. Dále se zabývá dopadem feminismu na
literárněvědná studia a zkoumá, jakým způsobem se kánon literární vědy proměnil vzhledem k ?feministickému návratu? v
literatuře psané ženami. Zaměříme se na díla 19. a 20. století a budeme se přitom věnovat otázce vztahů mezi muži a
ženami, jak je podávají autoři, kteří odráželi a nebo zpochybňovali kulturní a společenské hodnoty své doby. Četba se
bude týkat tří hlavních oblastí: obecného historického přehledu literatury a genderu, včetně studia nejvýznamnějších
teoretiček (Showalterová, Moi), dále genderu v rámci děl všeobecně uznávaných za literární kánon (Bronteová: Jana
Eyrová či Hardy: Tess) a genderových aspektů v literatuře autorek první poloviny 20. století, včetně Gertrude Steinové,
Virginia Woolfové a Jean Rhysové.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (02.12.2019)
Descriptors -
This course will be taught via Zoom meetings. The same syllabus will be followed as with the in-class teaching. All texts will be provided to students via email and the link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to students shortly before the lesson begins.
Last update: Higgins Bernadette, M.A. (30.01.2021)
Distanční výuka předmětu bude probíhat v online prostředí Zoom – studenti budou informováni o podrobnostech emailem a první hodina bude věnována seznámení s tímto prostředím. Nároky na docházku budou platit stejné jako při prezenční výuce.
Last update: Higgins Bernadette, M.A. (30.01.2021)
Literature -
ADCOCK, F. ed., The Faber Book of 20th Century Women's Poetry. London: Faber and Faber, 1987. BARRETT, M. ed., Virginia Woolf - Women and Writing, London: The Women's Press, 1996 BOONER, F.; GOODMAN, L.; ALLEN, R.; JAMES, L.; KING, C. eds. Imagining Women - Cultural Representation and Gender, Cambridge: Polity Press,1992. CARR, H., ed. From My Guy to Sci-fi: Genre and Women's Writing in the Postmodern World, London: Pandora, 1989. CIVELLO C.A. . Patterns of Ambivalence: The Poetry & Fiction of Stevie Smith. Columbia: Camden House, 1997. CROWLEY, H.; HIMMELWEIGHT, S. eds., Knowing Women - Feminism and Knowledge, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992.
Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader, 2nd Edition EAGLETON, M., Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader, 2nd Revised Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 1995. GILBERT, S.M & GUBAR, S. The Madwoman in the Attic. The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination. New Haven & London: Yale University Press,1984. GILBERT, S.M. & GUBAR, S. Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism: A Norton Reader. Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc., 2006. HUMM, M. ed. Modern Feminisms, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992. JACKSON, S. Women's Studies - A Reader, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. KAPLAN, C. "Speaking/Writing/Feminism," in On Gender and Writing ed. Michelene Wandor pp 51-60. London: Pandora, 1983. LOVELL, T. Consuming Fiction, London: Verso, 1987. MONTEFIORE, J. Feminism and Poetry: Language, Experience, Identity in Women's Writing. London: Rivers Oram Press/Pandora Press 2003. RADCLIFFE RICHARDS, J. The Sceptical Feminist, London: Penguin, 1991. REES-JONES, D. Consorting with Angels: Essays on Modern Women Poets. Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2005. SELDEN, R.; WIDDOWSON, P. A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory, 3rd edition, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1993. SHOWALTER, E. Speaking of Gender, London: Routledge, 1983. SHOWALTER, E. A Literature of Their Own: From Charlotte Bronte to Doris Lessing, expanded and revised, London: Virago, 1991. SPENDER, D. Mothers of the Novel, London: Pandora, 1987. SPENDER, D. Man Made Language, London: Routledge, 1985. STRINATTI, D. Introduction to Popular Culture, London: Routledge, 1995.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (02.12.2019)
ADCOCK, F. ed., The Faber Book of 20th Century Women's Poetry. London: Faber and Faber, 1987.
BARRETT, M. ed., Virginia Woolf - Women and Writing, London: The Women's Press, 1996
BOONER, F.; GOODMAN, L.; ALLEN, R.; JAMES, L.; KING, C. eds. Imagining Women - Cultural Representation and Gender, Cambridge: Polity Press,1992.
CARR, H., ed. From My Guy to Sci-fi: Genre and Women's Writing in the Postmodern World, London: Pandora, 1989.
CIVELLO C.A. . Patterns of Ambivalence: The Poetry & Fiction of Stevie Smith. Columbia: Camden House, 1997.
CROWLEY, H.; HIMMELWEIGHT, S. eds., Knowing Women - Feminism and Knowledge, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992.
Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader, 2nd Edition
EAGLETON, M., Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader, 2nd Revised Edition.
Wiley-Blackwell, 1995.
GILBERT, S.M & GUBAR, S. The Madwoman in the Attic. The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination. New Haven & London: Yale University Press,1984.
GILBERT, S.M. & GUBAR, S. Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism: A Norton Reader. Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc., 2006.
HUMM, M. ed. Modern Feminisms, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.
JACKSON, S. Women's Studies - A Reader, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993.
KAPLAN, C. "Speaking/Writing/Feminism," in On Gender and Writing ed. Michelene Wandor pp 51-60. London: Pandora, 1983.
LOVELL, T. Consuming Fiction, London: Verso, 1987.
MONTEFIORE, J. Feminism and Poetry: Language, Experience, Identity in Women's Writing. London: Rivers Oram Press/Pandora Press 2003.
RADCLIFFE RICHARDS, J. The Sceptical Feminist, London: Penguin, 1991.
REES-JONES, D. Consorting with Angels: Essays on Modern Women Poets. Bloodaxe Books Ltd., 2005.
SELDEN, R.; WIDDOWSON, P. A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory, 3rd edition, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1993.
SHOWALTER, E. Speaking of Gender, London: Routledge, 1983.
SHOWALTER, E. A Literature of Their Own: From Charlotte Bronte to Doris Lessing, expanded and revised, London: Virago, 1991.
SPENDER, D. Mothers of the Novel, London: Pandora, 1987.
SPENDER, D. Man Made Language, London: Routledge, 1985.
STRINATTI, D. Introduction to Popular Culture, London: Routledge, 1995.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (02.12.2019)
Syllabus -
Unit One
What is gender? A familiarisation of some of the ideas and debates surrounding the concept of gender. A consideration of the work and impact of the "First Wave" of feminist criticism, particularly Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir. Other supplementary texts will be used.
TOPICS: What is gender? Introduction to general concepts - Virginia Woolf - A Room of One’s Own and Professions for Women - Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex
Unit Two
Gender and representation. Consideration will be given to representations of gender in popular culture (media, advertising etc.) TOPICS: Gender and language - Semiology - signs and meanings, Gender and representation - Gender and Education
Unit Three
Gender and literature. Part of the achievement of feminist literary criticism has been to question the coherence of the traditional canon as well as to develop new approaches to literary interpretation. An overview of trends in feminist literary theory will aid our interpretations of texts
TOPICS: Women writers and the literary canon - Mothers of the Novel - Feminist Literary Criticism
Course Requirements: Full attendance, an oral presentation at one of the seminars, the production of a paper based on your own research at the end of term. The course is seminar based and your full participation in debates will be encouraged.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (02.12.2019)
Unit One
What is gender? A familiarisation of some of the ideas and debates surrounding the concept of gender. A consideration of the work and impact of the "First Wave" of feminist criticism, particularly Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir. Other supplementary texts will be used.
TOPICS: What is gender? Introduction to general concepts - Virginia Woolf - A Room of One’s Own and Professions for Women - Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex
Unit Two
Gender and representation. Consideration will be given to representations of gender in popular culture (media, advertising etc.) TOPICS: Gender and language - Semiology - signs and meanings, Gender and representation - Gender and Education
Unit Three
Gender and literature. Part of the achievement of feminist literary criticism has been to question the coherence of the traditional canon as well as to develop new approaches to literary interpretation. An overview of trends in feminist literary theory will aid our interpretations of texts
TOPICS: Women writers and the literary canon - Mothers of the Novel - Feminist Literary Criticism
Course Requirements: Full attendance, an oral presentation at one of the seminars, the production of a paper based on your own research at the end of term. The course is seminar based and your full participation in debates will be encouraged.