Aiming students at fundamental Russian cultural and religious movements on the areal basis, giving them information about
the most important figures in broader European and worldwide context, showing Eastern European and East Slavic area in
comparison as well as the worldwide importance of the Russian culture on the boundary between Europe and Asia.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (04.03.2019)
Course aim: Aiming students at fundamental cultural and religious movements and development tendencies of the Russian culture, giving them information about the most important figures in broader European context as well as about religious and secular traditions and customs Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (04.03.2019)
Výběr doporučené literatury: Areál - sociální vědy - filologie. Ed. Ivo Pospíšil. Kabinet integrované žánrové typologie, Ústav slavistiky, Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Brno 2002. ARONOV, A. A. Mirovaja chudožestvennaja kul´tura. Moskva: MXK, 2000. BERĎAJEV, N. A. Russkaja iděja. Paris, 1971. BEREZOVAJA, L. G. Praktikum po istorii russkoj kul´tury X - XX vv. Moskva: Vlados. BUDIL, I. Mýtus, jazyk a kulturní antropologie. Praha, 1995. ČISTOV, K. Russkaja narodnaja utopija (Genezis i funkcii social'no-utopičeskich legend). Sankt-Peterburg, 2003. FLOROVSKIJ, A. V. Čechi i vostočnyje slavjane I.-II. Praha 1935-1947. GUREVIČ, P. S. Kul´turologija. Moskva: Gardariki, 2000. HOLZER, J.: Politický systém Ruska. Hledání státu. Brno, CDK - Politologická řada, svazek č. 14, 2001. KAUTMAN, F. Literatura a filosofie. Praha 1968. LICHAČOV, D. S.: Kul'turnoje nasledije Drevnej Rusi. Moskva 1976. LOTMAN, I. V. Očerki russkoj kultury. Moskva, 1995. MASARYK, T. G. Rusko a Evropa I-III. Praha 1996. MATHAUSEROVÁ, S. Cestami staletí. Systémové vztahy v dějinách ruské literatury. Praha 1986. TOPOROV,V. N. Mif, ritual, obraz: issledovanija v oblasti mifopoetičeskogo. Moskva 1994. Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (04.03.2019)
Paganism. Folklore, traditions, festivals, customs. Beresta. Lubok. Russian folk handicrafts, applied arts. The influence of Christianity on the Russian culture. Moscow - the third Rome. Russian Orthodox Christianity. Basic attributes of the Orthodox Church. Comparison of Catholic and Orthodox liturgies. Orthodox cathedral. Icon painting. Important Russian painters of icons. Religious festivals. Pascha (Easter). Orthodox Church in Bohemia. Slavophilism and Westernism. Russian Messianism. Dekabrists (Decembrists). Pan-Russian movement. Russian revolutions and their legacy in Russian culture. Seeking the third way.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (04.03.2019)