Interpretation Class - OEBHH1714Z
Presentation of the piano repertoir, analysis and discussion about various questions of interpretation, getting experiences in the area of styles of interpretation, psychologic problems of the music performance, preparing for the pedagogic praxi in general. The interpretive seminar is comprehensive and takes place simultaneously for all years of the bachelor's and subsequent master's program Musical Education - Playing an Instrument. It is one of the fundamental aspects of the whole program, therefore it is designed for a full 6 semesters of bachelor's and 4 semesters of master's studies. The objectives of the program can be summarized in three basic areas: 1) The verification of ones own interpretive skills, capabilities and possibilities, through performances infront of an audience. 2) The evaluation and analysis of lectures. Here, senior students are expected to take a leading role. 3) Getting to know important interpretive and pedagogical personalities of the past and present, and grasping the essence of the musical message through adequate technical means.
Last update: Gregor Vít, doc. PhDr. MgA., Ph.D. (10.09.2023)
The goal of this subject is in presentation of the piano interpretation, training of discussing about music, comparison of several styles of interpretation. Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (07.10.2019)
The student masters the repertoire in the range of a half recital. The learner can justify his/her interpretative concept. The learner knows the laws of interpretation of works of individual styles. The learner can defend his/her choice of repertoire in accordance with his/her personality. Studující ovládá repertoár v rozsahu půlrecitálu. Studující dovede zdůvodnit své interpretační pojetí. Studující zná zákonitosti interpretace děl jednotlivých slohových ondobí. Studující obhájí svou volbu repertoáru v souladu se svým osobnostním zaměřením. Last update: Gregor Vít, doc. PhDr. MgA., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)