The course Prague German literature offers an insight in the Prague German literature, which is very often reduced only on Franz Kafka and Rainer Maria Rilke, but you will see, that there were several good and at that time well known writers, but some of are by current readers unfortunately forgotten. After a brief introduction, which helps you to understand the specifics of German-written literature, which is a part of the cultural history of Bohemia, you will get knowledge about the authors and their selected pieces of work.
The introduction provides you a picture of Prague and its literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, its traditions and special tendencies, neo-romanticism and the Prague Myth. Afterwards the life and work of e.g. Reiner Maria Rilke, Franz Werfel, Egon Erwin Kisch, Lenka Reinerová, Johannes Urzidil, Gustav Meyrink will be presented.
Last update: Glosíková Viera, doc. PhDr., CSc. (15.07.2021)
Team name: Prague German Literature, login: Your SIS Number and Passwort: Your SIS Password
Last update: Glosíková Viera, doc. PhDr., CSc. (15.02.2022)
Course completion requirements
active participation in the seminars, seminar paper (interpretation of selected literary text)
Last update: Glosíková Viera, doc. PhDr., CSc. (15.07.2021)
KROLOP, K. Studien zur Pragerdeutschen Literatur. Berlin: PraesensVerlag, 2005. ISBN 3706903075. Weltfreunde. Konferenz über die Pragerdeutsche Literatur. Praha: Academia, 1967. MÜHLBERGER, J. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur in Böhmen 1900-1930. München, Wien: Georg Müller Verlag, 1981. ISBN 3-7844-1879-1. BINDER, H. Literaturreisen Prag. Stuttgart. Dresden: Klett Verlagfür Wissenund Bildung, 1992. ISBN 3-12-895210-8. EISNER, P. Milenky (Německý básník a česká žena) [Die Geliebten. Der deutsche Dichter und tschechische Frau/. Praha: Concordia, 1992. ISBN 80-900124-8-5. SUDHOFF, D., SCHARDT, M. (Hg.) Prager deutsche Erzählungen. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1992. ISBN 3-15-008771-6. HAASIS, H. G. (Hg.) Die unheimliche Stadt. Ein Prag-Lesebuch. München, Zürich: Piper, 1992. ISBN 9783492 113779. BROD, M. Der Prager Kreis. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmBH, 1966. KROLL, F. L. (Hg.). Böhmen. Vielfalt und Einheit einer literarischen Provinz. Berlin: Duncker und Humbolt, 2000. ISBN 3-428-10127-8. SCHIFFKORN, A. Böhmen ist überall. Internationales Johanes-Urzidil-Symposion Prag. Praha: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, 1999. ISBN 3-901246-17-7.
Last update: Glosíková Viera, doc. PhDr., CSc. (15.07.2021)
Requirements to the exam
Active attendance, written essay.
Last update: Glosíková Viera, doc. PhDr., CSc. (15.02.2022)
Entry requirements
German at least at level B2 according to CEFRL
Last update: Glosíková Viera, doc. PhDr., CSc. (15.07.2021)