The course is aimed at students who already have basic experience with the Czech language. The goal of the course is to extend the Czech vocabulary and grammar knowledge and improve conversation skills of the students. It mainly focuses on everyday topics with respect to the needs of Erasmus students in the Czech environment. The expected proficiency level at the end of the course is A1.1/A1.2 according to the European framework of reference for languages.
Last update: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
Subjects requirements: 80 % of attendance, active participation in the class, presentation on a given topic
Completion of the subject: The subject is completed by an exam. Last update: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
Main course book:
Holá, L.: Čeština expres 1: A1.1. Akropolis, 2012. (Lekce 5 – Lekce 7) Holá, L.: Čeština expres 2: A1.2. Akropolis, 2011. (Lekce 8 – Lekce 9)
Other references:
Holá, L.: Česky krok za krokem. A1-A2. Akropolis, 2016 (učebnice) Holá, L.: Česky krok za krokem. A1-A2. Pracovní sešit 1-12. Akropolis, 2016 Holá, L.: Česky krok za krokem. A1-A2. Pracovní sešit 13-24. Akropolis, 2016 Štindl, O.: Easy Czech (Elementary), Akronym, 2008 Rešková, I.: Communicative Czech (Elementary Czech), 2005 (B) Cvejnová J.: Česky, prosím I., 2010 (B) Adamovičová, A.: Basic Czech I., 2013 Fronek, J.: Velký anglicko – český slovník, 2006
Last update: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
Exam requirements: Presentation on one of the given topics. Exam topics: 1. Můj denní program / My daily routine 2. Slavní lidé / Famous people 3. Co jsi dělal včera? / What did you do yesterday? 4. Můj volný čas / My free time activities 5. Můj dům/byt / My house/flat
Last update: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
1. Revision – the conjugation system of verbs. The nominative and accusative case. Vocabulary. 2. Talking about time. Modal verbs. Culture and sports events. Daily routine. Rád dělat. 3. Basic biographic information. Common activities – describing recent events. Past tense. Verbs znát, vědět, umět. 4. Where were you yesterday? Locations. Countries (EU). Weather. Expressing place: preposition v, na, u. The locative sg. Preposition o + locative sg. 5. Planning our time. My work and free time activities. The future tense. Prepositions do, na, k. The genitive sg. Kde X kam. 6. Houses and flats. Rooms, furniture and accessories. Shops. Prepositions pro, na, za. The nominative and accusative pl. Mi, F, and N. Last update: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)