Modern English II - OEBAA2151Z
Title: Modern English II
Guaranteed by: Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 6
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/2, Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 0 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / 0 (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Klára Lancová, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): Bernadette Higgins, M.A.
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
The aim of the subject is to develop students' language skills from B2/B2+ level to C1 level (CEFR). The course is based on systematic work with the core coursebook, however, there are also obligatory sources required by the teacher. The course works with students on the development of practical skills regarding speaking, reading, listening and writing.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (20.04.2022)
Descriptors - Czech

práce se studijními materiály (15 hodin), plnění průběžných úkolů (8 hodin), příprava na zápočet (5 hodin), příprava na zkoušku a zkouška (18 hodin)

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (20.04.2022)
Course completion requirements -

active participation

attendance min. 80%

credit test and exam (70% for pass)

CAE certificate with an A or B mark and CPE certificate with an A, B or C mark can be recognized as equivalent to attendance and credit. The certificate cannot be older than two years.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (20.04.2022)
Literature -

Required literature:

Bell, Jan; Gower, Roger. Advanced Expert Coursebook, 3rd edition. Pearson 2014.

Vince, Michael. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan 2003. (or more recent editions)


Recommended literature: 

BELL, J; KENNY, N. Advanced Expert Student´s Resource Book, Pearson 2015. 
McCARTHY; O'DELL, F. English Idioms in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
McCARTHY; O'DELL, F. English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
FOLEY, M.; HALL, D. Longman Advanced English Grammar. Longman, 2003.
HEWINGS, M. Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (20.04.2022)
Requirements to the exam -

Credit test (language skills) - 70% for pass

Written exam (Use of English test - based on Modules 1-6 of the course book Advanced Expert, Pearson 2014, and selected chapters from the Language Practice for Advanced - see Modern English I and Modern English II syllabus)

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (20.04.2022)
Syllabus -


part A: A small world? (week 1+2)

part B: Making a difference (week 3+4)

Language input

·         sleep

·         similar words/idioms/word pairs

·         word formation: prefixes/suffixes

Language input

·         issues and opinions

·         language to express probability and certainty

·         noun clauses

Vince self-study

·         G25: phrasal verbs 3

·         V10: social problems

·         V19: word formation

Vince self-study

·         V15: thinking and feeling

·         WP1: expressions with COME, IN, idioms based on HAND, metal, wood, prefix UN, verbs of movement

·         WP9: adverbs, expressions with THINK, GIVE, modifiers, words with more than one meaning


module 5. CONTROVERSY (WEEK 5-8)

part A: Global Issues (week 5+6)

part B: An open society? (week 7+8)

Language input

·         global issues

·         word formation

·         modifying (un)gradable adjectives

·         adv-adj collocations

Language input

·         security

·         intensifying expressions

·         conditionals

Vince self-study

·         V12: government and society

·         V14: world issues

·         WP2: expressions with GET, SEE, OUT, suffix FUL, colour idioms, common expressions

Vince self-study

·         G8: conditionals

·         WP3: expressions with ON, ONE, BREAK, sounds,          memory

·         WP4: formality, expression with NO, HEAD, MAKE, compound words, words connected with people


module 6. COMMUNICATION (WEEK 9-12)

part A: Getting your message across (week 9+10)

part B: A sixth sense (week 11-12)

Language input

·         phrasal verbs

·         TALK/SPEAK/SAY expressions

·         informal expressions of speaking and understanding

·         spelling

·         easily confused words

Language input

·         emotional reactions

·         gerunds and infinitives

Vince self-study

·         V3: News events

·         V20: Multiple meaning

·         WP5: size, suffixes, headline language, expressions with ONE, body movement…

Vince self-study

·         G19: verbs + infinitive or –ing

·         V5: media and advertising

·         WP6: expression with SET, WITHIN, places…

·         WP8: collocations: nouns linked by of, size and amount, bring, feelings...

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (20.04.2022)