Syntax I - OEBAA1711Z
Drawing on their knowledge of morphological categories, the course provides students with a theoretical insight into a wide
range of basic syntactic topics (e.g., communicative sentence types, clause constituents and their semantic roles, clause
patterns). In relevant chapters, the contrastive approach is adopted.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (30.08.2018)
BIBER, D., JOHANSSON, S., LEECH, G., CONRAD, S., FINEGAN, E. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Longman, Pearson Education Ltd., Harlow, 1999 DUŠKOVÁ, L. ET AL. Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny. Praha: Academia, 1988
DUŠKOVÁ, L. Syntax současné angličtiny. Sbírka textů a příkladů k syntaktickému rozboru. Karolinum, UK v Praze, 2000 GREENBAUM, S., QUIRK, R. A Student's Grammar of the English Language. Harlow, Essex: Longman, 1990 QUIRK, R., GREENBAUM, S., LEECH, G. and SVARTVIK, J., 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Harlow/London/New York: Longman Group Limited. Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (30.08.2018)