Students familiarize themselves with Russian orthographical system. Emphasis is on the practical knowledge of rules of
Russian orthography.
Last update: SKALOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.05.2013)
Students familiarize themselves with Russian orthographical system. Emphasis is on the practical knowledge of rules of Russian orthography.
Last update: SKALOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.05.2013)
KOPECKIJ, L. V. a kol. Orfografija, punktuacija i knižnopismennaja reč russkogo jazyka. Praha: SPN, 1979. ŽOFKOVÁ, H. Cvičení a úlohy z ruského pravopisu. Praha: SPN,1995. BALCAR, M. a kol. Příručka ruského pravopisu. Praha: SPN, 1983. KUROČKINA, A.L.; PARŠIVA, V. V. TICHONOVA, V.V; ŠAPOVALOVA, T.E. Těm, kto dolžen pisať pravil´no. Polnaja grammatika russkogo jazyka na každyj deň. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Agenstva "Jachtsmen", 1994.
Nejnovější pravopisné slovníky ruského jazyka. www.gramota.ru Last update: SKALOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.05.2013)
History of Russian writing systém and orthography. Characterization of Russian orthography. Writing of hard and soft signs. Functions of the soft sign. Writing of vowels. (Palatal consonants, writing of ?, ? in the base of words, endings, after prefixes, in loan words). Letter ?. Writing of vowels after ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?; ?. Writing of unstressed vowels in word bases, in prefixes and suffixes. Writing of consonants: letter ?. Last update: SKALOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.05.2013)