The course is intended for doctoral students of all specializations who
already have good language knowledge gained both at secondary school and
university. Knowledge of basic grammar structures and vocabulary are
expected. The course should enable students to read independently their
technical literature. The attention is paid especially to the grammar
structures typical of technical style. Speaking and writing competences
are also taken into account.
Last update: SMETANA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (08.02.2010)
Po absolvování konzultace a předložení načtené literatury se student/ka dostaví na termín zkoušky. Zkouška má 3 části: debata na téma dizertační práce, četba a překlad vybraného textu z dodané literatury a případný náslech (student reprodukuji vlastními slovy přečtenou pasáž textu). Součástí hodnocení je i jazyková a formulační úroveň. Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (10.09.2020)
Own materials R. Jordan: English for Academic Purposes, CUP Hewings Martin:Cambridge Academic English Upper-intermediate, CUP Hewings Martin, Haines Simon:Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (24.10.2019)
seminář Last update: SMETANA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (05.02.2010)
Student must submit their studied literature which they inted to use for the purposes of the exam. The exam comprises two/three parts. First being a discussion on the dissertation, second work with the text and third paraphrasing of the read text. Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (25.10.2019)
Using electronic databases available for students Academic English Language register Sexism and political correctness in language English varieties English in newspapers Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (12.09.2019)