The mission of the course is to enable students to explain the nature and structure of pedagogy as a science. They defined the current problems of pedagogy and orientated themselves in possible ways of solving them. They became acquainted with differentiation and individualization in teaching pupils and with the conditions of education of pupils with special educational needs.
Last update: Reitmayer Ladislav, PaedDr., CSc. (13.05.2019)
Prezentace a rozprava nad zápočtovou prácí z tematických oblastí předmětu. Last update: Reitmayer Ladislav, PaedDr., CSc. (28.10.2019)
JŮVA, V. Základy pedagogiky. Brno : Paido, 2001. ISBN 80-85931-95-8. PRŮCHA, J. Moderní pedagogika. 5., aktualizované a dopl. vyd. Praha: Portál, 2013. PRŮCHA, J. Přehled pedagogiky. Praha: Portál, 2006, 3. aktual. vyd. 2009. SAK, P. a kol. Člověk a vzdělání v informační společnosti. Praha: Portál, 2007. ŠTRÉBLOVÁ, M. Vybrané kapitoly z pedagogiky: informace – výchova – pedagogika. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, 2014.
Last update: Reitmayer Ladislav, PaedDr., CSc. (13.05.2019)
Ústní zkouška je zaměřena na zvládnutí příslušných vědomosti ze všech tematických okruhů v rozsahu výuky a zadaných studijních pramenů. Zkouška má rádný a dva opravné termíny. Last update: Reitmayer Ladislav, PaedDr., CSc. (13.05.2019)
the concept of traditional pedagogy and modern pedagogy, changes in pedagogical terminology;
social and individual importance of education, equal access to education, lifelong learning;
Czech educational system, education in the context of European integration;
family from pedagogical point of view, cooperation between school and family, contemporary problems of parental education;
school and its functions, school as an organization and community, importance for the cultural and social development of pupils;
teacher's personality, pedagogical skills, diagnosis of pupils, management of learning activities, importance of evaluation, styles of leadership, communication, authority, discipline;
basic definition of types of disability and characteristics of health disadvantage;
special educational needs for pupils with disabilities;
legislative conditions for integrative and inclusive education;
conditions for the integration of pupils with special educational needs (teacher's assistant, intervention programs);
the process of integration and cooperation with pedagogical-psychological counseling centers and special education centers; individual educational plan;
Educational Concepts of Selected Educators, The Importance of J. A. Komenský for World Pedagogy; Last update: Reitmayer Ladislav, PaedDr., CSc. (13.05.2019)