Classes are organized as block arrangements with the following content - problems of physical diversity: body scheme, self
concept and psychosocial image of persons with physical impairment, cognitive processing of physical diversity, cognitive
disonance, social evaluation of people with physical impairment, social approach stereotypes, mechanism of disadvantage
minority development and its characteristic, problems of hipokinesia, objective and subjective motor assessment within
ontogenesis, immobility syndrom, problems of central motor impairments, communication aspects of physical impairment,
disadvantage in movement as a question of rights, declarations and legislation of rights for people with physical impairment,
socialization of persons with physical impairment, self-determination of life, life autonomy, self- sufficiency, quality of life of
persons with physical impairment, assistance, new trends of self-sufficiency support, palliative care, hospice care, system of
support of persons with physical impairment including system of education in the CR, ethical aspects of work with people
with physical impairment, bioethical and biopolitical influences, problems of euthanasia, genetic selections and reproduction
of developmental impairments.
Last update: MLCKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (08.06.2009)
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