Music Therapy II - OBPS18322
Classes are organized as close training groups, in the following three main levels: Theoretical level - topics relating to subject
of musictherapy. Individual topis are taught and discussed with the support of sheets and vidoepresentation (examples of
theoretical topids - Historical context of using sound and music as therapeutical tools. Influence of sound and music on
human organism. Personality of a musictherapeutist. Holistic approaches in musitherapy, etc. Training level - guiding
musitherapeutic meetings. This part proceeds in cooperation with clients and employees at DUSP in Tloskov, and under
methodical guidance of the teacher. Experiential level - the classes philosophy is based on opinion that the best teaching
method in the field of therapeutical activity is selfexperience. Beside own experience with various technics, experience with
functioning and development of dynamic of the close training group, and writing essays that reflect perception and role of an
individual within group work, belong to this level.
Considering the seminar´s form classes are organized as three weekends´ meetings at the DUSP Tloskov, and number of
students is limited (12 students as maximum).
Last update: MLCKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (08.06.2009)
HORŇÁKOVÁ, M. Činnostná terapia v liečebnej pedagogike. Bratislava : Creativpress, 1995. KUBOVÁ, L. Hiporehabilitace jako možnost psychoterapie intervence u duševních poruch. HIPO rehabilitace. IV. roč., č.3. LINKA, A Kapitoly z muzikoterapie. Rosice : Gloria, 1997. PIPEKOVÁ, J., VÍTKOVÁ, M. Terapie ve speciálně pedagogické péči. Brno : Paido, 2001. ISBN 80-7315-010-7. VALENTA, M a kol. Dramatika pro speciální pedagogy. Olomouc : Univerzita Palackého, 1995. VODÁKOVÁ, J.: Ergoterapie- základní informace pro pedagogy. Bratislava:Vychovávatel, 2003, roč.48, č.7. ISBN 0139-6919 VODÁKOVÁ, J.a kol: Speciální pracovní výchova a ergoterapie. Praha: UK PedF, 2003. ISBN 80-7290-113-3 Last update: Ohlídková Blanka, PhDr., CSc. (22.05.2006)