Art Therapy I - OBPS18311
Theory: determination of art therapy and its theoretical backgrounds within special education. Relations of art therapy and
psychotherapy, art therapeutical approaches in context of psychotherapeutical concepts. Historical context of current
status in the branch - insight at historical development of art therapy. Art-psychotherapy (secondary process art therapies)
and therapy by fine art (primarily process art therapy). Specialization in art therapy. Art adventure and its reflection as
implementational base for art therapy. Indication and contraindication of art therapy, forms and goals of art therapeutical
process. Art therapy situations arranging both in theory and practice, art therapeutical methods and techniques.
Conpetences of special pedagogist in relation to art therapist competences, ethic of art therapy profession. Exercises and
introduction to adventure training: individual and group techniques based on art therapeutical reflection (art therapeutical
drawing, art therapeutical work with color, active and guided imagination, mandala formation, projective techniques - life
tree, life way etc., clay modelling, methods of aesthetic-haptic stimulation)
Last update: MLCKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (08.06.2009)
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