Automation and Cybernetics - OB2319603
The subject Automation and cybernetics represents by its interdisciplinary character a bridge between technical and information technology education. The students master within the subject basic knowledge and skills on the field of systems theory, simulation, automatic control, communication and cybernetics, including laboratory measurement and gaining of necessary habits for praxis. The role of the subject is to create a qualification, developing the already acquired knowledge and based on the topical school needs, for students´ ability to utilize technical publications, to be well in subject matter for basic and secondary schools, namely on the field of electrotechnics, automation and cybernetics. It is especially important to be able to teach both respective topical units on the educational field Man and the World of the work and other no-profile electric-oriented subjects on secondary technical schools.
Last update: BATTIST/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (08.12.2009)
NOVÁK, D. Automatizace a kybernetika I. Praha : UK PedF, 2004. NOVÁK, D., PAVLOVKIN, J. Automatizace a kybernetika II. Praha : UK PedF, 2001. NOVÁK, D. Elektrotechnické stavebnice v technické výchově. Praha : UK PedF, 1997. WIENER, N. Kybernetika neboli řízení a sdělování v živých organismech a strojích. Praha : ČSAV, 1960. Last update: BATTIST/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (25.11.2009)
Cybernetics Control Control Automation Function analog and simulation Telemechanics Logical circuits Computing technics Artificial intelligence Last update: BATTIST/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (08.12.2009)