SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Object Oriented Application Development A - OB2319215
Title: Vývoj aplikací v objektovém prostředí A
Guaranteed by: Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2012
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:1/1, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Jiří Štípek, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : OB2319317
Pre-requisite : OB2319114
Interchangeability : OB2319206, OB2319216, OB2319317
Is interchangeable with: OB2319216, OB2319235
Annotation -
The aim of the course is to develop practical skills in programming with emphasis on the basics of object-oriented programming and programming in the Windows OS environment, and providing adequate theoretical knowledge. The mission of the course is to acquaint students with the object-oriented approach to algorithms and programming through Java language in contrast to the procedural, respectively funkcionálnímu approach.
Last update: STIPEK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (11.01.2012)
Literature - Czech
  • DARWIN, F. Java, kuchřka programátora. Brno : Computer Press, 2006.
  • HEROUT, P. Učebnice jazyka Java. České Budějovice : Kopp, 2007.
  • KRAVAL, I. Základy objektově orientovaného programování. Praha : Computer Press, 1998.
  • PECINOVSKÝ, R., VIRIUS, M. Objektové programování 1, 2. Praha : Grada Publishing, 1999.
  • VIRIUS, M. Základy algoritmizace. Praha : ČVUT, 2008.
  • ECKEL, B. Thinking in Java. Prentice Hall, 2006.
  • HEROUT, P. Java ? bohatství knihoven. České Budějovice : Kopp, 2003.
  • JORDAN, D., RUSSELL, C. Java Data Objects. O´Reilly, 2003.
  • LIGUORI, R., LIGUORI, P. Java Pocket Guide. O´Reilly, 2008.
  • McLAUGHLIN, B., POLLICE, G., WEST, D. Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. O´Reilly, 2006.
  • SPELL, B. Java - programujeme profesionálně. Praha : Computer Press, 2002.
Last update: STIPEK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (11.01.2012)
Syllabus -
  • Introduction to objects
  • Java - programming language
  • Classes and objects
  • Basic data types overview
  • Object - attribute, method a constructor
  • Java and terminal input/output
  • String
  • Java access specifiers
  • Inheritance
  • Interface
  • Exceptions
  • Práce se soubory
  • Graphics user interface in Java
Last update: STIPEK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (11.01.2012)
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