The mission of the course features and principles of operating systems is to introduce students to the general question of operating systems for personal computers, to familiarize them with the basic principles of operating systems and point out the differences in different operating systems for personal computers. The objective of this course is therefore to acquire basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to work on personal computers under different operating systems, making use of system resources and tools that are commonly available to the user. Students are familiar with the operating systems DOS, Windows 7/8/10 and Linux.
Last update: Stejskal Martin, PhDr. (18.01.2018)
Aktivní účast, závěrečný test. Last update: Stejskal Martin, PhDr. (18.01.2018)
- ČERNÝ, L. MS-DOS prakticky 6.0. České Budějovice : KOPP, 1997. -www,microsoft.com www.linux.org www.abclinuxu.cz www.root.cz Last update: Stejskal Martin, PhDr. (01.02.2018)
OPERAČNÍ SYSTÉMY OSOBNÍCH POČÍTAČŮ Last update: Stejskal Martin, PhDr. (18.01.2018)