The target of this study subject is Programming I. is to force students to learn basic knowledge and skills from the field of algorithms and programming including mastering of basic programming constructions. The Frame of this subject is characterized both by group of relevant theoretical information connected with algorithmic basic constructions and sequence of programming. Also, there is group of skills from the field of practical programming. The subject is also focused on theoretical aspects of application evolution and on practical skill by development of basic programming constructions. Subjects approach is based on procedural programming paradigm and from the systematic approach for solving real programming constructions.
Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (18.09.2006)
GAULD, A. Learning to Program. Dostupné na Internetu Kraval, I. Základy objektově orientovaného programování. Praha : Computer Press, 1998. KUKAL, J. Myšlením k algoritmům. Praha : Grada, 1998. LIBICHER, I., TOPFER, P. Od problému k algoritmu a programu. Praha : Grada Publishing, 1996. Mikula, P., Juhová, K., Soukenka, J. Turbo Pascal - kompletní průvodce. Praha : Grada, 1993. Morkes, D. Základy programování. Praha, Computer Press, 1997. MÜLLER, K. Programovací jazyky. Praha : ČVUT, 1999. PECINOVSKÝ, R., Virius, M. Učebnice programování - základy algoritmizace. Praha : Grada, 1998. TOPFER, P. Algoritmy a programovací techniky. Praha : Prometheus, 1995. VIRIUS, M. Základy algoritmizace. Praha : ČVUT, 1997. Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (02.05.2006)
Together to content of this subject is based on system analysis, phases of programming system development, sources of technological and didactical information, phases of programming systems (data base and structure, compiler and it's usage, algorithms of solving basic problems, programming techniques, procedures and functions, algorithms validation, presentation of number range, number rounding, errors accumulation, programming paradigms (functional, procedural, object orientated programming), graphical user interface, help, program documentation. Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (18.09.2006)