Students learn about the syntactic structure of the standard Russian language in Czech-Russian comparison. Based on
learning about the overall syntactic system and the conception of syntax in Russian/Czech comparison the main emphasis is
on learning a simple sentence structure (both mononucleus and double nucleus). Students learn to associate the formal
aspect of specific types of sentences with their semantic and stylistic aspects and gain a skill to use sentence structures in
real and natural communicative situations and during Russian language teaching at school.
Syntax ? its content and relation to other linguistic disciplines. The general characteristics of the Russian syntactic system in
comparison with the Czech one. Basic syntactic elements. The characteristics of a sentence as the basic syntactic element
and its classification from the point of view of school grammar and modern linguistic trends. Syntactic relations within a
sentence. The structural models of a simple sentence (mononucleus/ double nucleus) in close connection with the semantic
aspect and with the functional principle of selection of specific models according to the style of speech and use in the
teaching practice. Word order and topic-comment relations. Brief outline of different syntactic schools.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.04.2009)
Course aim:
Students learn about the syntactic structure of the standard Russian language in Czech-Russian comparison. Based on learning about the overall syntactic system and the conception of syntax in Russian/Czech comparison the main emphasis is on learning a simple sentence structure (both mononucleus and double nucleus). Students learn to associate the formal aspect of specific types of sentences with their semantic and stylistic aspects and gain a skill to use sentence structures in real and natural communicative situations and during Russian language teaching at school.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (22.04.2009)
Podmínky udělení zápočtu:
V průběhu psaní testů jsou studenti povinni dodržovat stejná pravidla, která platí pro písemnou přijímací zkoušku na PedF UK, jinak jim budou materiály odebrány a test považován za nesplněný. Pravidla jsou zveřejněna na webu PedF UK. Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (15.05.2014)
Základní ČESAL, B.; VYČICHLOVÁ, E. Cvičení z ruské syntaxe I. Plzeň, 1996. KUBÍK, M.; BALCAR, M.; DLOUHÝ, M. Sintaksis russkogo jazyka. Praha: SPN, 1982. ŽAŽA, S. Ruština a čeština v porovnávacím pohledu. Brno: FF MU, 1999. Doporučená BABAJCEVA, V.V.; MAKSIMOV, Z.J. Sovremennyj russkij jazyk, III. Sintaksis. Moskva: DANEŠ, F. Věta a text. Praha: Academia,1985. GREPL, M.; KARLÍK, P. Skladba češtiny. Votobia: Olomouc. 1998 HRBÁČEK, J. Nárys textové syntaxe spisovné češtiny. Trizonia: Praha,. 1994 Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.09.2015)
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (10.10.2014)