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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Social Communication - OB2314024
Title: Sociální komunikace
Guaranteed by: Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2012
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/3, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (18)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Roman Musil
Pre-requisite : OB2313006
Is incompatible with: OB23142024
Is interchangeable with: OB23142024
Annotation -
The subject of social communication contributes by practical way of teaching with a reasonable degree of theoretical background to the idea of the methods and techniques using above all in pedagogical communication. The student himself experiences the mistakes arising when a learner being percepted by the teacher; he tries the way to control his own nonverbal behaviour, the way to recognize nonverbal behaviour from their reactions, the way to use his voice when teaching, the way to make a speech on various topics, the way to organise and participate in various kinds of dialogue as well as how to motivate a learner through conscious/intentional usingsocial-communicative techniques, keep his attention and focus him in the effective way of studying.
Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (14.10.2010)
Aim of the course -

Teaching social communication contributes to the oncoming teachers to thinking about both various verbal and nonverbal actions in the teaching process. through dealing with practical situations and conflicts in the social-communicative area . The subject teaches the students to process social perception gently and use nonverbal communication and pedagogical rhetoric deliberately in the course of teaching. The students are introduced to possible dealing with conflict situations/confrontation may arise with learners and show them the way to communicate with trouble-makers.

Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (14.10.2010)
Literature - Czech

ALTRICHTEROVÁ, B., NASTUNEAKOVÁ, M. Rétorika pro každého. Praha: ČVUT, 1997.

ARISTOTELÉS Rétorika. Praha: Petr Rezek, 1999.

BRAUN, R. Umění rétoriky. Praha: Portál, 2009.

BRUNO, T., ADAMCZYK, G. Řeč těla - Jak neverbálně působit na druhé a rozumět řeči těla. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2005.

BRUNO, T., ADAMCZYK, G. Řeč těla - Přesvědčte svou mimikou, gesty a držením těla. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007.

DÉMOSTHENÉS Řeči na sněmu. Praha: Arista, 2002.

EHRENBORG, J., MATTOCK, J. Přesvědčivé vystupování. Praha: Management Press, 1995.

HAVLOVÁ, I., MĚCHUROVÁ, A., ŠTEMBERKOVÁ, Š. Kapitoly z rétoriky. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 1991.

HERZER, K. Rétorika v zaměstnání. Praha: Grada, 2006.

KLEIN, Z. Atlas sémantických gest. Praha: HZ Editio, 1998.

KRAUS, J. Rétorika a řečová kultura. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2004.

KRAUS, J. Rétorika v evropské kultuře. Praha: Academia, 1998.

KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Jak si navzájem lépe porozumíme. Praha: Svoboda, 1988.

LEWIS, D. Tajná řeč těla. Praha: Victoria Publishing, 1994.

MAŘÍKOVÁ, M. Rétorika - Manuál komunikačních dovedností. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2002.

PLATÓN Gorgias. Praha: Oikoymenh, 1992.

PLATÓN Alkibiades I., II. Praha: Oikoymenh, 1996.

PLATÓN Euthydémos. Oikoymenh, Praha 1992.

QUINTILIANUS, M.F. Základy rétoriky. Praha: Odeon, 1985.

ŠPAČKOVÁ, A. Moderní rétorika. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2003.

ŠTEMBERKOVÁ, Š. Metodika mluvní výchovy. Praha: Sdružení pro tvořivou dramatiku, 1994.

THIEL, E. Řeč lidského těla. Bratislava: Plasma Service, 1993.

VÁVRA, V. Mluvíme beze slov. Praha: Panorama, 1990.

WAGE, J.L. Řeč těla jako účinný nástroj prodeje. Praha: Management Press, 2000.

WIEKE, T. Rétorika v praxi. Praha: Rebo, 2005.

Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (12.10.2010)
Teaching methods -

This subject is arranged in a couple of - hour sections setting in a classroom without desks. All the students/people involved are required to participate in the lessons actively. The optimal number of students range from 16 to 18 as the higher number of students does not provide the oportunity to experience various situation personally, which is one of the requirements of attendance at this subject.

Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (14.10.2010)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Požadavky ke klasifikovanému zápočtu:

  • docházka na semináře 75% (nezávisle na tom, zda je někdo nemocný nebo není)
  • prostudované tematické okruhy (okruhy se postupně budou objevovat při výuce předmětu, na konci výuky budou studentům poskytnuta skripta nonverbální komunikace a skripta rétoriky)

Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (12.10.2010)
Syllabus -
  • the essential social-communicative terminology
  • social perception
  • nonverbal communication in teacher?s practice
  • the basics of rhetoric for teachers, dialogue, the ways of dialogue
  • the techniques/methods of acting

Last update: MUSILR/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (14.10.2010)
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