Political Science - OB2312123
The aim of the course is to introduce students into the main issues and terms of politics.
Course outline:
Politics, its formation, development and subject. Politics and its structure.
Political power, legality and the legitimation of power, division of state power.
Politics and morality, political culture.
Political movements and political parties, classification of political parties and pressure groups.
Elections and the electoral system (theory and practice).
Democracy and juridical state.
Last update: STRACENY/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (24.06.2010)
Křížkovský,L., Adamová,K.:Politologie. Codex, Praha 1997. Kolektiv/Kroupa,Koudelka atd./: Politologie. Masar.univerz. Brno 1998 Říchová, B.:Úvod do současné politologie. Portál, Praha 2002 Novák,M.: Systémy politických stran. Slon,Praha 1997 Žaloudek,K.:Encyklopedie politického myšlení, Libri, Praha 1999 Last update: STRACENY/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (24.06.2010)