The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with physico-chemical measurements.
Last update: BARTOVSL/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.09.2008)
Šobr J.: Návody pro laboratorní cvičení z fyzikální chemie, http://www.vscht.cz/fch/cz/pomucky/NavodyLaboratore.pdf Last update: BARTOVSL/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.09.2008)
The students undergo four laboratory excercises (each of them, including laboratory data treatment, is scheduled to 7 hours), chosen from the following list: 1. Determination of molar mass by the method of V. Meyer. 2. Saturated vapour pressure measurement. 3. Phase diagrams of two-component condensed systems. 4. Cryoscopy. 5. Solubility of salts. 6.Solution calorimetry. 7. Compustion calorimetry. 8. Kinetics of 1st order chemical reactions. 9. Vapour-liquid equilibrium. 10. Phase diagram of three-component condensed systems. 11. Partial molar volumes in two-component systems. 12. Measurement of equilibrium voltage of a galvanic cell. 13. Conductivity of elektrolytes. 14. Kinetics of 2st order chemical reactions. Last update: BARTOVSL/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (23.09.2008)