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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Systematic and Evolutionary Botany I - OB2302008
Title: Systematika a evoluce stélkatých organismů
Guaranteed by: Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2019
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (5)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: RNDr. Zdeněk Soldán, CSc.
Classification: Biology > Biology, Anthropology, Cell Physiology and BioChemistry, Developmental Biology, Didactics of Biology, Ecology, Entomology, Ecology and Environmentalism, Ecology and Ethology, External Subjects, General Subjects, Geobotany, Genetics, Human and Animal Physiology, Hydrobiology, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Neurobiology, Non-Vascular Plant Botany, Non-Vertebrates Zoology, Plant Anatomy and Physiology, Parasitology, Plant molecular Biology, Theoretical Biology, Vertebratology, Virology, Vascular Plant Botany
Interchangeability : O02302006
Is pre-requisite for: OB2302012
Is interchangeable with: OKB2302008, OPBB2B109A, O02302006
Annotation -
The seminar aims to acquaint students with general issues related to taxonomy, classification and taxonomy in botany and mycology. The content of the current concepts in the classification of organisms and the structure of rRNA domains Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, their common and different features. Prokaryotic photosynthetic organisms, cyanobacteria. Thallobiont eukaryotic organisms - red algae and green algae, Chromista, Fungi and fungal organisms, lichenes, bryophytes. Development branch Cormophytae - psilophyt plants, pteridophytes plants (pines, horsetail, fern plants - status Progymnospermophyta). Seed as an evolutionary strategy of vascular plants In laboratory work, students learn about the real (live or stuffed) of the material discussed the types of organisms and describe the protocols drawn to the laboratory (practical knowledge is part of the credit).
Last update: NOVOTP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (15.11.2010)
Aim of the course -

develop system of theoretical and practical knowledge of biology, phylogeny and classification of lower and higher seedless plants, deepen and expand practical knowledge of species with a special focus on teaching types, didactic transform of the scientific issues into the curriculum of basic schools and gymnasiums

Last update: NOVOTP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (15.11.2010)
Course completion requirements - Czech
  • aktivní účast na laboratorních cvičení
  • splnění minimální hranice v průběžných testech - alespoň dva ze tří s průměrným výsledkem min 80%
  • zápočtová poznávačka - možno 1x opakovat
  • složení ústní zkoušky - znalosti v rozsahu skrip Dostál, P. + obsah přednášek
Last update: Novotný Petr, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.01.2018)
Literature - Czech


  •  ČERNOHORSKÝ,Z.: Základy soustavné botaniky I.Praha, SPN l967.
  •  DOSTÁL, P.: Evoluce a systém stélkatých organismů a cévnatých výtrusných rostlin. Pedagogická fakulta UK, Praha 2006.
  •  KALINA, T., VÁŇA, J.: Sinice, řasy houby, mechorosty a podobné organismy v současné biologii. Karolinum, Praha 2005.
  •  ROSYPAL,S. a kol.: Přehled biologie. Praha, SPN l993.
  •  ROSYPAL, S. a kol.: Nový přehled biologie. Praha, Scientia 2003.

Last update: NOVOTP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (16.05.2014)
Syllabus -

A. Lectures

  1.   Systematic Botany, its significance and objectives of the study.Systematic unit, an overview of the plant kingdom.Status of bacteria and fungi in the system of organisms.Phylogeny of plants.
  2.  Lower plants and their systematic overview.Prokaryote, bacteria (as an indication - at the microbiologie).Cyanobacteria and their system, phylogenetic importance of cyanobacteria.
  3. Algae and their system, the organizational level by type insoles.Red algae (red algae) - part of the development branch Biliphyta.
  4.  Cryptomonad (Cryptozoa - part of the kingdom Chromista).Chromophyta (Golden algae, Haptophyceae, Diatoms, brown algae, Xanthophyceae) - the position of the Chromista
  5.  green algae (Chlorophyceae, Conjugatophyceae , Charophyceae and their importance for the development of vascular plants. Overview phylogeny of algae.
  6.   Fungi and their system (Protozoa, Chromista, Fungi)Slime mold (Mycetozoa - part of the kingdom Protozoa) Oomycota (part of the kingdom Chromista), Chydridiomycota.
  7. Fungi. Zygomycota (Zygomycetes).Ascomycota fungi
  8. Mushrooms Basidomycota (Phragmobasidiomycetidae, Holobasidiomycetidae).Rust, canker, Auriculariales, Tremellales
  9. Lichens, by type of organization and sock fotosymbionts.Ascolichenes, Basidiolichenes.
  10. Bryophyte a development branch, and their system.)Liverworts, hornworts, mosses (sphagnum moss, moss ownVascular plants and their system - developmental lines and development branch.Protracheophyta, Zosterophyllopsida, Trimerophytophyta and Rhyniophyta in the development of higher plants.
  11. The body of higher plants, pines (own lycopodium,selaginellas,).Horsetails (Sphenophyllatae own horsetails).
  12. Ferns; Overview Phylogenetic club mosses, horsetails and ferns.

B. Practice

  1. Cyanobacteria and algae - observation of the different types of cyanobacteria and algae under the micro -Skopje. Herbarium items.Observation of different types of diatoms (permanent preparations).
  2. Mold mucedo - observing buildings, sporangia and spores.Fructification Ascomycota, Greece.
  3. Observation of yeast, evidence of storage substances, germination.Screening of important species of its own hub.
  4. Lichens (Tour herbarium items).Bryophytes (Tour herbarium items). Observation ticketsphagnum moss under the microscope.
  5. Pines, horsetails, ferns (Tour herbarium items).Observation of hygroscopic movements hapter spores Equisetum arvenseunder the microscope.


Last update: NOVOTP/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (16.05.2014)
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