The aim of this course is to prepare the conceptual ground for further in-depth study of individual linguistic disciplines and
mainly to promote a more responsive and responsible approach to language as such. The general and universal features of
language will be studied, as well as its development, typology and classification with focus on the position of English among
Indo-European languages. Within the framework of English, the individual language levels and their interconnectedness will
be explored (phonetico-phonological, morphological, lexical, semantic, syntactic, pragmatic and stylistic).
Last update: JANCOVI/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (19.08.2008)
Aktivní účast na seminářích, t.j. ústní prezentace zpracování zadaných úkolů a participace v diskuzích Last update: MATUCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (30.09.2016)
Doporučená literatura: Last update: Lancová Klára, PhDr., Ph.D. (24.10.2019)
K úspěšnému absolvování zkoušky student musí dosáhnout minimální hranice 70%; zkouška má písemnou formu a sestává z témat diskutovaných v přednáškách a v seminářích. Last update: MATUCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (30.09.2016)
Week 1: Language/Speech Origin - Language Properties
Week 2: Indo-European Family - Comparative Linguistics
Week 3: Historical Development of English and Czech
Week 4: History of Linguistics - Structuralism - Saussure
Week 5: Prague School - Members - Basic Tenets
Week 6: Phonetics - Phonology
Week 7: Writing Systems - Written English - Graphology
Week 8: Morphology - Language typology Week 9: Lexicology - Lexicography
Week 10: Lexical Semantics
Week 11: Syntax - FSP
Week 12: Text Linguistics - Discourse Analysis - Pragmatics - Psycholinguistics - Sociolinguistics
Last update: CHALUPSK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (15.09.2014)