Book as a product and a carrier of culture. Manuscript, letterpress and present written and pictorial message in media.
Euroamerican civilization and books. Book and periodical publications typography.
Corporate visual style, its history, development and today?s forms.
Last update: BAKAIOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.09.2008)
Propose: To reach understanding for the possibilities of use the theme at a school. Book and its transformations in human history. Book and typography. Writing and book today. Last update: BAKAIOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.09.2008)
DUSONG, J.- L., SIEGWARTOVÁ, F., Typografie - od olova k počítačům, Praha: Svojtka a Vašut, 1997. ISBN 80-7180-296-4 MUZIKA, F., Krásné písmo ve vývoji latinky I.a II., Praha, 1958 Bez ISBN BOHATCOVÁ, M., Česká kniha, Panorama, 1990. ISBN 80-7038-131-0 DYRYNK, K., Krásná kniha, její úprava, Praha 1909 DYRYNK, K., Typograf o knihách, Kentaur / Polygrafia, Praha 1993 HLAVSA, O. - WICK, K., Typografia I. - III., Praha 1976,81,86 BLAŽEJ, B., Grafická úprava tiskovin, SNTL, 1995 Kolektiv autorů, Ladislav Sutnar - Design in action, Argo 2003, ISBN: 8072035150 KOČIČKA, P & BLAŽEK, F., Praktická typografie Computer Press Katalogy a sborníky symposií Bienále Brno (88-06)Časopis GRAPHIS poslední ročníky 99-07. ISSN 0017-3452 Časopisy DELEATUR. ISSN 1210-4780, TYPO. ISSN 1214-0716 Produkce nakladatelství AULOS Zdeňka Křenka, Michalská ul., St.Město Last update: BAKAIOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.09.2008)
lecture/seminar Last update: BAKAIOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.09.2008)
Postulates of credit: Integrated set of seminar work. Theoretical seminar work on chosen topic. Test on the topics talked over the semester.
Postulates of exam: Knowledge of basic terms of the branch, orientation of main authorities, trends and movements in history and concern about production of noted contemporary designers (oral examination) Last update: BAKAIOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.09.2008)
Key words: The book, lettering, typography, visual, thought
Sylabus: Culture centers and their role in history. Europe tradition and roots of culture. Transformations of forms in the relation with time. Manuscripts, their predecessors - scrolls and letterpress. Modern typography and contemporary book. Icons today. Corporate style. Last update: BAKAIOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.09.2008)