SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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The Sociology of Education and Social Pathology - O03112041
Title: Sociologie výchovy a sociální patologie
Guaranteed by: Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2007
Semester: both
E-Credits: 1
Hours per week, examination: 2/0, C [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (45)
summer:unknown / unknown (45)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: Rok4,Rok5
Old code: SVSP
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Radomír Havlík, CSc.
Classification: Sociology > Social Deviance
Annotation -
The aim of the course is to show the main analytical-sociological problems of socialization, education,main influential factors and their connections. Democratic factors of education. Culture and socialization. Organizational, institutional and group aspects of education. Macrosocial factors of education (nationalities, ethnic,groups, economic factors...)
Last update: Erudio ()
Literature - Czech

Havlík, Halászová,Prokop : Kapitoly ze sociologie výchovy

Mareš, P. : Nezaměstanost jako sociální problém

Semrád, J. : Mládež a sociálně negativní jevy

Možný, I. : Sociologie rodiny

Last update: Erudio ()
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