On Saturday 19th October 2024 there will be a shutdown of some components of the information system. Especially the work with files in Thesis modules will be particularly unavailable. Please postpone your requests for a later time. |
Mental Hygiene - O02317012
The aim of the seminars is to apply basic knowledge of mental hygiene and use it as a self-management support: the conception and meaning of mental hygiene, conditions and principles of healthy lifestyle. The seminars are experience-based.
Last update: MARADOVA (12.07.2005)
BEDRNOVÁ, E. aj. Duševní hygiena a sebeřízení. Praha: Fortuna, 1999. ISBN 80-7168-681-6. VALIŠOVÁ, A. Asertivita v rodině a ve škole. Praha: H+H, 1998. ISBN 80-86022-41-2. KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Jak zvládat stres. Praha: Grada, 1994. ISBN 80-7169-121-6. Last update: MARADOVA (21.06.2005)
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Seminární práce Last update: MARADOVA (11.11.2005)