Based on syntax, it extends lexical tasks in various topics (theatre, cinema, music, art, problems of today´s cities, industry, technology, ecology and environmental issues, education and educational systems). Complex development of speech skills, improvement of oral skills by talks and discussions. Orthography and punctuation phenomena practiced together with skills of written expression.
Last update: Erudio ()
Based on syntax, it extends lexical tasks in various topics (theatre, cinema, music, art, problems of today´s cities, industry, technology, ecology and environmental issues, education and educational systems). Complex development of speech skills, improvement of oral skills by talks and discussions. Orthography and punctuation phenomena practiced together with skills of written expression. Last update: ZOFKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (21.10.2008)
Skácel, J.; Mrhačová, E.; Opělová, M.; Vavrečka, M.: Praktická cvičení z ruského jazyka. Praha, MON 1986, II. díl, část A, B. Krjučkovová, M. L.; Mrhačová, E.: Praktická cvičení z ruského jazyka. Praha, MON 1988. III. díl, část A, B. Kopeckij, L. V. a kol.: Orfografija, punktuacija i knižnopismennaja reč russkogo jazyka. Praha, SPN 1979. Žofková, H.: Cvičení a úlohy z ruského pravopisu.. Praha, SPN 1990. Denní ruský tisk, odborné časopisy, práce s internetem. Last update: Erudio ()
Based on syntax, it extends lexical tasks in various topics (theatre, cinema, music, art, problems of today´s cities, industry, technology, ecology and environmental issues, education and educational systems). Complex development of speech skills, improvement of oral skills by talks and discussions. Orthography and punctuation phenomena practiced together with skills of written expression. Last update: Šaroch Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)